The Network Marketing Proof Is Always In The Pudding
A product formulator named John Anderson together with network marketing heavy hitters Jim and Kathy Coover teamed up on March 23, 2002 to found a company with just nine employees. This company took only 18 months to exceed $50 million in sales with sales revenues reaching $120 million in 2006. Did it stop there? Read on!
After just five years this company has already surpassed $300 million in cumulative sales. During this span of success within the organization it created 14 millionaires and has helped more than 40 people lose 100 pounds or more. Thousands have been helped to improve their health with an impressive line of weight-loss, longevity, and skin care products. What is this company, now in momentum, which expects sales to top $225 million in 2007?
Mr Anderson and the Coovers created this company known as Isagenix with a vision of improving the lives of others with its unique nutritional cleansing technology as well as establishing the largest health and wellness company in the world. Isagenix now is an irrefutable and powerful force within the network marketing industry. The company is a household word for health-conscious people with home business ambitions.
Its recognition was given a boost after best-selling authors John Gray, PhD and Jack Canfield became Associates in 2003 and consequently wrote about Isagenix in their books. The company today has nearly 150,000 Associates throughout the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and Hong Kong that have grasped the Isagenix vision to impact world health.
Co-founder Jim Coover stated within the ISAnews publication sent out to associates that Isagenix's record growth is not an accident. It's the result of our life-changing products and a fair and generous compensation plan. We're proud to celebrate our past and look forward to creating our future together. The best news is we've only just begun. The company's confidence, however, is not only evident in mere words. It's 2004 move to a 62,000 square-foot facility in Chandler, Arizona proved that it was strategizing to meet its increasing demand and success goals in the future.
Those with an interest in pursuing a network marketing opportunity with Isagenix can go to a webpage that provides information regarding 4 ways to make money. There's even a way to view a 15 minute video that gives details about the Isagenix compensation plan. Simply click and find out about this plan that has revolutionized the way network marketers can make money. One could from this page enroll as an Associate and begin their own home-based business.
After just five years this company has already surpassed $300 million in cumulative sales. During this span of success within the organization it created 14 millionaires and has helped more than 40 people lose 100 pounds or more. Thousands have been helped to improve their health with an impressive line of weight-loss, longevity, and skin care products. What is this company, now in momentum, which expects sales to top $225 million in 2007?
Mr Anderson and the Coovers created this company known as Isagenix with a vision of improving the lives of others with its unique nutritional cleansing technology as well as establishing the largest health and wellness company in the world. Isagenix now is an irrefutable and powerful force within the network marketing industry. The company is a household word for health-conscious people with home business ambitions.
Its recognition was given a boost after best-selling authors John Gray, PhD and Jack Canfield became Associates in 2003 and consequently wrote about Isagenix in their books. The company today has nearly 150,000 Associates throughout the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and Hong Kong that have grasped the Isagenix vision to impact world health.
Co-founder Jim Coover stated within the ISAnews publication sent out to associates that Isagenix's record growth is not an accident. It's the result of our life-changing products and a fair and generous compensation plan. We're proud to celebrate our past and look forward to creating our future together. The best news is we've only just begun. The company's confidence, however, is not only evident in mere words. It's 2004 move to a 62,000 square-foot facility in Chandler, Arizona proved that it was strategizing to meet its increasing demand and success goals in the future.
Those with an interest in pursuing a network marketing opportunity with Isagenix can go to a webpage that provides information regarding 4 ways to make money. There's even a way to view a 15 minute video that gives details about the Isagenix compensation plan. Simply click and find out about this plan that has revolutionized the way network marketers can make money. One could from this page enroll as an Associate and begin their own home-based business.