Dietary Fiber-Microbiota Interactions
Dietary Fiber-Microbiota Interactions
We searched PubMed using the term 'intestinal microbiota' in combination with 'nutrition', 'diet', 'dietary fibre' and 'short chain fatty acid or SCFA', and also 'dietary fibre' in combination with 'prebiotic effect'. Publications obtained (from 1968 to 30 November 2014) were reviewed, with emphasis placed particularly, but not exclusively, on high-quality peer-reviewed research papers and review articles published in the last 10 years. Reference lists of articles identified by this search strategy were also reviewed and our bibliography was also modified on the basis of comments from peer reviewers to ensure significant publications were not missed, and inclusion of recent articles published late 2014/early 2015.
Searches on 'probiotics' and 'intestinal microbiota' were not conducted as part of this review, but there is a significant body of evidence indicating that ingestion of probiotic beneficial bacteria likely impacts (albeit transiently) on both composition and metabolism of the intestinal microbiome.
Search Strategy and Selection Criteria
We searched PubMed using the term 'intestinal microbiota' in combination with 'nutrition', 'diet', 'dietary fibre' and 'short chain fatty acid or SCFA', and also 'dietary fibre' in combination with 'prebiotic effect'. Publications obtained (from 1968 to 30 November 2014) were reviewed, with emphasis placed particularly, but not exclusively, on high-quality peer-reviewed research papers and review articles published in the last 10 years. Reference lists of articles identified by this search strategy were also reviewed and our bibliography was also modified on the basis of comments from peer reviewers to ensure significant publications were not missed, and inclusion of recent articles published late 2014/early 2015.
Searches on 'probiotics' and 'intestinal microbiota' were not conducted as part of this review, but there is a significant body of evidence indicating that ingestion of probiotic beneficial bacteria likely impacts (albeit transiently) on both composition and metabolism of the intestinal microbiome.