How to Convert Sq Foot to Sq Meter
- According to the Metric-Conversions website, 1 foot equals 0.3048 meters. This means that 1 yard (3 feet), equals 0.3048 meters x 3, or roughly 0.9144 meters.
- You obtain the square foot measure by multiplying the width and the length of an area. If your living room floor measures 10 feet by 12 feet, for example, you have 120 square feet of floor space (10 times 12).
- One square foot is an area measuring 1 foot in both length and width. If a foot is equal to 0.3048 meters, you can calculate the same area in square meters by multiplying 0.3048 meters (width) by 0.3048 meters (length) to obtain a result of 0.0929 square meters for one square foot. That would make 1,000 square feet equal to 92.9 square meters.
Convert a Foot into a Meter
Calculating Square Feet
Convert Square Foot into Square Meter