Bedroom Moments As the Easy Way to Get Pregnant
There is an easy way to get pregnant, and yes, sex makes it easier.
However, more sex doesn't necessarily mean more chances of getting pregnant.
You need to realize that getting pregnant isn't just about playing in the bedroom.
Also, for those of us who have been trying to get pregnant for a while now, we know how frustrating it is even just trying it "one more time.
" First of all, don't believe in the myth that the more sex you have, the better chances of getting pregnant.
The thing with myths like this is that it makes it even harder to get pregnant, because couples don't really know what their doing and only end up frustrated.
You need to know, first and foremost, that a woman is fertile only during a limited period of time in a month.
In fact, women only have around 25 percent chance of getting pregnant every month.
The Right Time - To get started, make sure you employ the right timing when trying to get pregnant.
Don't simply determine the day you ovulate based on a standard chart.
The truth is, not all women ovulate on exactly day 14 of their cycles.
If you've noticed, you may have a different cycle from your friend's cycle.
An easy way to get pregnant is to use ovulation test kits, which help you determine ovulation within about 36 hours.
It is best to have unprotected sex several days leading up to ovulation as well as the day of ovulation.
De-Stress - Now that you know a bit about timing, can you apply this to your lifestyle on a month-to-month basis? Getting the right timing me sound easy, but throw in stress from work and all those worries you have.
These things can immediately turn you and/or your partner off and put sex aside.
Stress can worsen performance and thus make it even harder to get pregnant.
De-stress by joining support groups or simply having a support buddy such as a friend or relative.
Stretching exercises are also good for de-stressing.
Boredom - Sometimes sex can become a drag after awhile, so it is essential that you keep sex enjoyable for you and your partner.
Try not to think of sex as an obligation or chore just because you are planning to have a baby.
Sex becomes an easy way to get pregnant if you actually enjoy the sex.
Sex and Aromatherapy - A tip is to use aromatherapy techniques to spice up the bedroom.
Not only can an aromatherapy massage help you and your partner relax, but it is also used to boost women's reproductive health.
It is able to help regulate the menstrual cycle and relieve tension.
The best essential oils to use when trying to conceive are geranium, rose, balm, basil, lavender, jasmine and chamomile.
Supplements - To boost sex drive, there are foods that act as natural aphrodisiacs.
Try to eat more foods that are filled with vitamins A and E, as these are known to improve libido and have a good effect on reproductive organs.
Foods rich in vitamins A and E include cod liver, eggs and carrots.
Other natural aphrodisiacs include oysters, mussels, caviar, milk, tomatoes, asparagus, strawberries, mangoes, and chocolate.
Herbs and spices that are considered natural aphrodisiacs are nutmeg, curry, basil and chili.
Want to get pregnant? Everyone knows one becomes pregnant through sexual intercourse.
But you know better when you do it the right way and recognize good timing.
As you can see, even food can show you the easy way to get pregnant.
However, more sex doesn't necessarily mean more chances of getting pregnant.
You need to realize that getting pregnant isn't just about playing in the bedroom.
Also, for those of us who have been trying to get pregnant for a while now, we know how frustrating it is even just trying it "one more time.
" First of all, don't believe in the myth that the more sex you have, the better chances of getting pregnant.
The thing with myths like this is that it makes it even harder to get pregnant, because couples don't really know what their doing and only end up frustrated.
You need to know, first and foremost, that a woman is fertile only during a limited period of time in a month.
In fact, women only have around 25 percent chance of getting pregnant every month.
The Right Time - To get started, make sure you employ the right timing when trying to get pregnant.
Don't simply determine the day you ovulate based on a standard chart.
The truth is, not all women ovulate on exactly day 14 of their cycles.
If you've noticed, you may have a different cycle from your friend's cycle.
An easy way to get pregnant is to use ovulation test kits, which help you determine ovulation within about 36 hours.
It is best to have unprotected sex several days leading up to ovulation as well as the day of ovulation.
De-Stress - Now that you know a bit about timing, can you apply this to your lifestyle on a month-to-month basis? Getting the right timing me sound easy, but throw in stress from work and all those worries you have.
These things can immediately turn you and/or your partner off and put sex aside.
Stress can worsen performance and thus make it even harder to get pregnant.
De-stress by joining support groups or simply having a support buddy such as a friend or relative.
Stretching exercises are also good for de-stressing.
Boredom - Sometimes sex can become a drag after awhile, so it is essential that you keep sex enjoyable for you and your partner.
Try not to think of sex as an obligation or chore just because you are planning to have a baby.
Sex becomes an easy way to get pregnant if you actually enjoy the sex.
Sex and Aromatherapy - A tip is to use aromatherapy techniques to spice up the bedroom.
Not only can an aromatherapy massage help you and your partner relax, but it is also used to boost women's reproductive health.
It is able to help regulate the menstrual cycle and relieve tension.
The best essential oils to use when trying to conceive are geranium, rose, balm, basil, lavender, jasmine and chamomile.
Supplements - To boost sex drive, there are foods that act as natural aphrodisiacs.
Try to eat more foods that are filled with vitamins A and E, as these are known to improve libido and have a good effect on reproductive organs.
Foods rich in vitamins A and E include cod liver, eggs and carrots.
Other natural aphrodisiacs include oysters, mussels, caviar, milk, tomatoes, asparagus, strawberries, mangoes, and chocolate.
Herbs and spices that are considered natural aphrodisiacs are nutmeg, curry, basil and chili.
Want to get pregnant? Everyone knows one becomes pregnant through sexual intercourse.
But you know better when you do it the right way and recognize good timing.
As you can see, even food can show you the easy way to get pregnant.