How To Look After Your Ac System (guide)
Whether youre a current air conditioning Mandhurah user or youre thinking about installing AC in your home or business, its important to know how to maintain your system or units. Your air conditioner will need regular servicing by a professional but by keeping it in tip top shape you will be able to cut back on all but the most essential service or repair costs as well as ensuring that it is working effectively and to its optimum performance. Here well look at some basic ways that you can ensure that your air conditioner is doing its job properly and that youre prolonging the longevity of your investment.
Maintaining Air Conditioning - Mandurah Homeowner Tips
Regularly remove the air filters from your unit and either wash themor vacuum them to ensure dust, dirt and sand is kept to a minimum
Check the manufacturers guidelines and replace your disposable filters in accordance with their instructions they will have lost their effectiveness if used for longer than is recommended
Take a good look at the exterior of your building and ensure that the air that is expelled from the condenser unit can freely escape
It might not be the most fun job but keep an eye on outdoor units to make sure that ants, beetles, bugs, geckos and other insects or small creatures are not blocking filters
While youre doing that, also check to see that other debris such as leaves and twigs are not also trapped in the unit and thus blocking vents
Grab your secateurs and cut back plants in the area around the unit so that the expelled air can circulate
Schedule in regular service appointments with a local professional AC installation and maintenance company
Look after Your Air Conditioning Mandurah Homeowners and Save Money Too
There are probably not many people who would say that cleaning their air conditioner filters or picking bugs out of air vents is top of their list of household chores but, seriously folks, its an important one! Although air conditioning is more affordable now than ever before, its still not a cheap and cheerful purchase and is a big investment. By looking after your AC with regular maintenance and scheduled servicing youll be doing the following:
Protecting your investment and ensuring your unit or system has a longer lifespan
Saving yourself money: an air con system that is running properly is working to the best of its capacity and cooling or heating your room without using unnecessary energy
Not wasting your cold or warm air. OK, so its not directly related to the unit itself, but did you know that if there are gaps or cracks in door and window frames, along skirting boards and in ceiling cornices your electricity bill can be up to 30% higher? Before you next switch on the AC why not take a look at how draught proof your home is.
In the Western Australian climate, you might not be using your unit all year round but just because its not switched on doesnt mean you should ignore it. Whether its on or off, your units filters and vents will still be prone to trapping dust, grit and those aforementioned creepy crawlies, so whether youre using air conditioners Perth ways, warming up in Fremantle or cooling down and air conditioning Mandurah homes, make sure you pencil in some maintenance time for your hard working air conditioning system.
Maintaining Air Conditioning - Mandurah Homeowner Tips
Regularly remove the air filters from your unit and either wash themor vacuum them to ensure dust, dirt and sand is kept to a minimum
Check the manufacturers guidelines and replace your disposable filters in accordance with their instructions they will have lost their effectiveness if used for longer than is recommended
Take a good look at the exterior of your building and ensure that the air that is expelled from the condenser unit can freely escape
It might not be the most fun job but keep an eye on outdoor units to make sure that ants, beetles, bugs, geckos and other insects or small creatures are not blocking filters
While youre doing that, also check to see that other debris such as leaves and twigs are not also trapped in the unit and thus blocking vents
Grab your secateurs and cut back plants in the area around the unit so that the expelled air can circulate
Schedule in regular service appointments with a local professional AC installation and maintenance company
Look after Your Air Conditioning Mandurah Homeowners and Save Money Too
There are probably not many people who would say that cleaning their air conditioner filters or picking bugs out of air vents is top of their list of household chores but, seriously folks, its an important one! Although air conditioning is more affordable now than ever before, its still not a cheap and cheerful purchase and is a big investment. By looking after your AC with regular maintenance and scheduled servicing youll be doing the following:
Protecting your investment and ensuring your unit or system has a longer lifespan
Saving yourself money: an air con system that is running properly is working to the best of its capacity and cooling or heating your room without using unnecessary energy
Not wasting your cold or warm air. OK, so its not directly related to the unit itself, but did you know that if there are gaps or cracks in door and window frames, along skirting boards and in ceiling cornices your electricity bill can be up to 30% higher? Before you next switch on the AC why not take a look at how draught proof your home is.
In the Western Australian climate, you might not be using your unit all year round but just because its not switched on doesnt mean you should ignore it. Whether its on or off, your units filters and vents will still be prone to trapping dust, grit and those aforementioned creepy crawlies, so whether youre using air conditioners Perth ways, warming up in Fremantle or cooling down and air conditioning Mandurah homes, make sure you pencil in some maintenance time for your hard working air conditioning system.