Post Weight Loss Plastic Surgery and How to Plan It
Following massive weight loss either by way of diet or from a weight loss surgical procedure, excess skin can remain on the body making it to sag. Post weight loss the extra skin that continues to remain on your body may make you feel unfit. The excess skin will have folds in areas such as the hips, stomach, arms, thighs and breasts. Therefore, you may want to consider post weight loss plastic surgery. By lifting or contouring this excess skin, it can not only improve your appearance, but also the non-stretched skin will not need to account for the extra weight of sagging skin to ruin its laxity.
Your First Consultation
One of the critical choices that occur when choosing body contouring procedure is the timing. In order to achieve the best results you should be in a position where you have lost the total amount of weight that you expect to lose, or at least be close to that goal. Once you have decided to undergo Post Weight Loss Plastic Surgery, the next step is to consult a certified plastic surgeon. Prepare yourself for the initial consultation and be prepared to ask several questions. Here are some important questions you must ask your surgeon. Are you a certified surgeon? Do you have training specifically in the field of plastic surgery? How many surgeries have you performed so far and what is the success rate? Is the facility accredited and state licensed? Am I a good candidate for the surgery? What surgical technique will suit me? What are the risks involved? What is the duration of the procedure? What is the duration of recovery? What is the cost? What results should I expect? What are the options if I am not satisfied with the outcome?
Surgery Cost
Cost of the surgery is also an important factor you should consider. The prices for Post Weight Loss Plastic Surgery can vary widely based on your surgeons experience, the technique used, location and the facility. The overall cost will generally include your plastic surgeons fee, hospital costs, surgical facilities, anesthesia fees, prescription for medication, medical tests and post-surgery care and consultation.
Tips for Preparing Yourself for the Surgery
After your first consultation, your doctor will schedule another appointment with you for further discussions and tests. During which you may have to go through a complete medical evaluation, get several lab tests performed and your doctor may recommend a course of medication if required. If you are a smoker, stop smoking well in advance. Avoid taking non-prescription drugs, herbal supplements and anti-inflammatory drugs. Your surgeon will also show you the facility where your post weight loss plastic surgery will be performed. The surgeon will inform you about the various steps and techniques he/she will be using.
Your First Consultation
One of the critical choices that occur when choosing body contouring procedure is the timing. In order to achieve the best results you should be in a position where you have lost the total amount of weight that you expect to lose, or at least be close to that goal. Once you have decided to undergo Post Weight Loss Plastic Surgery, the next step is to consult a certified plastic surgeon. Prepare yourself for the initial consultation and be prepared to ask several questions. Here are some important questions you must ask your surgeon. Are you a certified surgeon? Do you have training specifically in the field of plastic surgery? How many surgeries have you performed so far and what is the success rate? Is the facility accredited and state licensed? Am I a good candidate for the surgery? What surgical technique will suit me? What are the risks involved? What is the duration of the procedure? What is the duration of recovery? What is the cost? What results should I expect? What are the options if I am not satisfied with the outcome?
Surgery Cost
Cost of the surgery is also an important factor you should consider. The prices for Post Weight Loss Plastic Surgery can vary widely based on your surgeons experience, the technique used, location and the facility. The overall cost will generally include your plastic surgeons fee, hospital costs, surgical facilities, anesthesia fees, prescription for medication, medical tests and post-surgery care and consultation.
Tips for Preparing Yourself for the Surgery
After your first consultation, your doctor will schedule another appointment with you for further discussions and tests. During which you may have to go through a complete medical evaluation, get several lab tests performed and your doctor may recommend a course of medication if required. If you are a smoker, stop smoking well in advance. Avoid taking non-prescription drugs, herbal supplements and anti-inflammatory drugs. Your surgeon will also show you the facility where your post weight loss plastic surgery will be performed. The surgeon will inform you about the various steps and techniques he/she will be using.