Choosing Your Plastic Surgeon for Fat Transfer
Fat transfer is commonly known as fat grafting or fat injections. In this procedure, fat is taken from one part of the body and injected into another part that needs more volume. With this, the wrinkles are also smoothened. This is regarded as the ideal method to fill out contour deficiencies on your body. Fat transfer is best for buttock and breast enhancement. The procedure ensures improved breast shape and size, as well as a firm and shapely derriere. Excess fat from other parts of the body is removed via liposuction using advanced body sculpting workstations such as Smartlipo Triplex, Vaser 2.0 and BodyTite. Fat transfer procedure is very effective and offers natural looking results.
Make Sure You Approach the Right Plastic Surgeon
There is an increase in the number of fat transfer treatments that are being performed every year. Unfortunately, due to this, there has also been a rise in aggressive marketing techniques for enticing customers as well as the mushrooming of several unprofessional clinics. Therefore, it is important to find a trusted, experienced and qualified plastic surgeon for performing the procedure.
Given below are some tips that will help in making an informed decision and finding a qualified and experienced surgeon for fat transfer:
• Check the credentials of the practitioner or the cosmetic surgeon
Always check the credentials of the surgeons that you have shortlisted. They should have the necessary training in the procedure. Never hesitate to check their certificates.
• Always choose a plastic surgeon who is specialized in fat transfer procedure
The surgeon should be skilled in the removal of fat through liposuction. He should also have proficiency in injecting the fat to add the desired volume to specific body parts.
• Schedule a consultation with the practitioner
Sometimes, patients have to initially face the counselor on entering the clinics. However, with them, only generic advice can be obtained. When a consultation is being scheduled, ensure that you talk to the surgeon who would actually perform the procedure.
• Be comfortable with your plastic surgeon
Always ensure that a good rapport is built up with your plastic surgeon. Make sure that all your concerns regarding the procedure are addressed effectively.
• Check out the before and after photos of your surgeon's patients
Most reputable surgeons will have a gallery of photos representing their patients. These will give you a good idea about the surgeon's skill as well as the results you can expect from the fat transfer procedure.
The right plastic surgeon can ensure you remarkable body sculpting results through the innovative fat transfer procedure.
Make Sure You Approach the Right Plastic Surgeon
There is an increase in the number of fat transfer treatments that are being performed every year. Unfortunately, due to this, there has also been a rise in aggressive marketing techniques for enticing customers as well as the mushrooming of several unprofessional clinics. Therefore, it is important to find a trusted, experienced and qualified plastic surgeon for performing the procedure.
Given below are some tips that will help in making an informed decision and finding a qualified and experienced surgeon for fat transfer:
• Check the credentials of the practitioner or the cosmetic surgeon
Always check the credentials of the surgeons that you have shortlisted. They should have the necessary training in the procedure. Never hesitate to check their certificates.
• Always choose a plastic surgeon who is specialized in fat transfer procedure
The surgeon should be skilled in the removal of fat through liposuction. He should also have proficiency in injecting the fat to add the desired volume to specific body parts.
• Schedule a consultation with the practitioner
Sometimes, patients have to initially face the counselor on entering the clinics. However, with them, only generic advice can be obtained. When a consultation is being scheduled, ensure that you talk to the surgeon who would actually perform the procedure.
• Be comfortable with your plastic surgeon
Always ensure that a good rapport is built up with your plastic surgeon. Make sure that all your concerns regarding the procedure are addressed effectively.
• Check out the before and after photos of your surgeon's patients
Most reputable surgeons will have a gallery of photos representing their patients. These will give you a good idea about the surgeon's skill as well as the results you can expect from the fat transfer procedure.
The right plastic surgeon can ensure you remarkable body sculpting results through the innovative fat transfer procedure.