How to Put Together a Women's Church Workshop
- 1). Meet with the pastor or church officials to obtain permission to host the workshop. Ascertain any special rules or regulations that might apply to the event, particularly if it is to be held in the sanctuary.
- 2). Publish notice of an interest meeting in the church bulletin. Host the meeting to recruit volunteers and decide upon a workshop leader. Arrange committees to handle tasks such as set up, clean up, speakers, food and drinks, workshops and publicity.
- 3). Choose a theme for the workshop and decide upon a title that reflects the theme. Choose a date for the workshop that does not conflict with any holiday weekends or other church events or activities. Reserve the church or any other buildings to be used.
- 4). Invite speakers and workshop presenters with special experience or qualifications, depending on the theme or goals of the church workshop. For instance, invite a missions worker to present about missionary work. Invite local sponsors or vendors to participate in the conference, if desired.
- 5). Creative a tentative schedule for the workshop to publicize on brochures for the conference. Print brochures to be enclosed in weekly church bulletins. Ask the pastor to make a special announcement about the workshop at the end of the service.
- 6). Prepare a registration table outside the church after services for a few weeks. Assign volunteers from the registration committee to work the table. Once registration has closed, get a head count to plan food and accommodations accordingly.