Dealing With Eczema Conditions
For patients suffering eczema the outbreaks are painful, embarrassing and often lead to other problems, like scarring or soreness.
There is so far no known cure for eczema and treatments vary, but there are steps an eczema sufferer can take to help them avoid outbreaks and keep what outbreaks they do have from spreading.
Eczema patients suffer swollen and cracked skin and uncontrollable itching which often leads to oozing or bleeding and later, scarring.
Many physicians believe eczema is caused by an overreaction of the immune system. The body is actually working against itself in response to either an external or internal stimuli.
For patients who suffer from regular outbreaks of eczema controlling and preventing those outbreaks, and keeping outbreaks from spreading is what they want most of all.
Unbearable Itching
When it comes to itching, doctors will usually prescribe a cortisone cream to help relieve the symptoms. The cortisone will relieve the itching but it is not treating the underlying cause or keeping the eczema from spreading to other areas.
Patients should try to identify the triggers in their environment which bring on the eczema outbreaks. It is likely something they are eating or drinking is causing the outbreaks to start and will cause them to spread to other areas of their body. Many eczema sufferers report their symptoms and outbreaks are reduced when they avoid sugary sweets, soft drinks and junk food. Eating a healthy diet, with foods high in vitamin E can help prevent outbreaks and lessen their effect when they do come. Vitamin E is known to help improve the health of your skin. Healthy skin can help you avoid eczema or reduce the severity of eczema outbreaks.
Some patients report that a topical cream high in vitamin E is a good choice for applying to the eczema outbreak. Applying the vitamin E topical supplement directly to the skin in the areas surrounding the outbreak is also said to help keep the eczema outbreak from spreading.
It is also a good idea to keep your skin clean and dry and avoid anything which might aggravate your condition.
Cause and Cure
Although there is no direct cause of eczema and no cure for the outbreaks you can adequately treat the affected areas, helping to avoid the most serious symptoms and the possibility of the eczema outbreak spreading to an unaffected area.
When it comes to eczema, understanding what your specific triggers are--what foods you eat or environments you enter which cause the worst outbreaks is the first step to avoiding serious outbreaks. These steps can also help you keep an eczema outbreak from spreading and or becoming worse.
Eczema outbreaks, once they appear, can often take weeks or even months to clear up. Do your best to avoid scratching the inflamed skin because this can make the condition worse. If the itching is too unbearable contact your doctor and ask them what treatments they can prescribe to help you endure the worst of it and get you through until the outbreak clears up.
There is so far no known cure for eczema and treatments vary, but there are steps an eczema sufferer can take to help them avoid outbreaks and keep what outbreaks they do have from spreading.
Eczema patients suffer swollen and cracked skin and uncontrollable itching which often leads to oozing or bleeding and later, scarring.
Many physicians believe eczema is caused by an overreaction of the immune system. The body is actually working against itself in response to either an external or internal stimuli.
For patients who suffer from regular outbreaks of eczema controlling and preventing those outbreaks, and keeping outbreaks from spreading is what they want most of all.
Unbearable Itching
When it comes to itching, doctors will usually prescribe a cortisone cream to help relieve the symptoms. The cortisone will relieve the itching but it is not treating the underlying cause or keeping the eczema from spreading to other areas.
Patients should try to identify the triggers in their environment which bring on the eczema outbreaks. It is likely something they are eating or drinking is causing the outbreaks to start and will cause them to spread to other areas of their body. Many eczema sufferers report their symptoms and outbreaks are reduced when they avoid sugary sweets, soft drinks and junk food. Eating a healthy diet, with foods high in vitamin E can help prevent outbreaks and lessen their effect when they do come. Vitamin E is known to help improve the health of your skin. Healthy skin can help you avoid eczema or reduce the severity of eczema outbreaks.
Some patients report that a topical cream high in vitamin E is a good choice for applying to the eczema outbreak. Applying the vitamin E topical supplement directly to the skin in the areas surrounding the outbreak is also said to help keep the eczema outbreak from spreading.
It is also a good idea to keep your skin clean and dry and avoid anything which might aggravate your condition.
Cause and Cure
Although there is no direct cause of eczema and no cure for the outbreaks you can adequately treat the affected areas, helping to avoid the most serious symptoms and the possibility of the eczema outbreak spreading to an unaffected area.
When it comes to eczema, understanding what your specific triggers are--what foods you eat or environments you enter which cause the worst outbreaks is the first step to avoiding serious outbreaks. These steps can also help you keep an eczema outbreak from spreading and or becoming worse.
Eczema outbreaks, once they appear, can often take weeks or even months to clear up. Do your best to avoid scratching the inflamed skin because this can make the condition worse. If the itching is too unbearable contact your doctor and ask them what treatments they can prescribe to help you endure the worst of it and get you through until the outbreak clears up.