Are you Depressed & Heart Broken?
Are you Depressed & Heart Broken?
The pain of broken heart is not like any other pain but a deep wound and to be frank, it seriously sucks. There is a lot of ways to get rid of this pain but there is no quick fix. Teen Hut has got some tips which might help you in feeling better in such situations.
The first thing during such situations is "Crying". It though sounds weird but crying seriously works. Depression or broken heart is not a physical wound but is something that affects your heart and mind which cannot be healed by any medicines but rather shedding getting over it with time. Crying doesn't only mean shedding tears but in such situations, you also get rid of much of your frustration and emotions which make you feel bad or even worse. There is no time to put up brave faces like nothing has happened. You are heart broken and depressed and it is perfectly alright to cry. Just make sure that you cry in a private place or in a company of a very close and trustable friend and not publicly.
The second thing which is very important in such situations is ‘Distracting Yourself'. Do it as much as possible and don't devote yourself much time to think on this ugly situation. The more you think on it, the harder the life becomes. Try to keep your mind out of it and keep yourself busy all the time. The lesser the time you spend thinking on this matter, the lesser the pain you have to experience. Doing some physical activities like playing sports, exercises or spending time studying and listening to music helps a lot.
The third thing what Teen Hut wishes to suggests you is that you should tell everything that has happened to a very close and trusted friend or any family member. This will ease your mind and you will feel much better with the sympathy of the other person. This is one of the most effective ways to get rid of frustration during such situations. This might even help you in getting some effective suggestions from the other person which might help you be happy.
The last thing which you should be doing is focusing on the future rather than sitting down thinking of the past. Usually people who deal with break ups tend to think of the past regardless of future and remain upset a much longer time which could have had gotten rid faster. After a couple of days have passed since your depression, you should try and forget the past though not so easy but until and unless a trial attempt is made, you can never succeed. You do not have to bury your past forever but just now since you need to get out of this situation as fast as possible. Think positive and avoid listening to heart during such situations.
The pain of broken heart is not like any other pain but a deep wound and to be frank, it seriously sucks. There is a lot of ways to get rid of this pain but there is no quick fix. Teen Hut has got some tips which might help you in feeling better in such situations.
The first thing during such situations is "Crying". It though sounds weird but crying seriously works. Depression or broken heart is not a physical wound but is something that affects your heart and mind which cannot be healed by any medicines but rather shedding getting over it with time. Crying doesn't only mean shedding tears but in such situations, you also get rid of much of your frustration and emotions which make you feel bad or even worse. There is no time to put up brave faces like nothing has happened. You are heart broken and depressed and it is perfectly alright to cry. Just make sure that you cry in a private place or in a company of a very close and trustable friend and not publicly.
The second thing which is very important in such situations is ‘Distracting Yourself'. Do it as much as possible and don't devote yourself much time to think on this ugly situation. The more you think on it, the harder the life becomes. Try to keep your mind out of it and keep yourself busy all the time. The lesser the time you spend thinking on this matter, the lesser the pain you have to experience. Doing some physical activities like playing sports, exercises or spending time studying and listening to music helps a lot.
The third thing what Teen Hut wishes to suggests you is that you should tell everything that has happened to a very close and trusted friend or any family member. This will ease your mind and you will feel much better with the sympathy of the other person. This is one of the most effective ways to get rid of frustration during such situations. This might even help you in getting some effective suggestions from the other person which might help you be happy.
The last thing which you should be doing is focusing on the future rather than sitting down thinking of the past. Usually people who deal with break ups tend to think of the past regardless of future and remain upset a much longer time which could have had gotten rid faster. After a couple of days have passed since your depression, you should try and forget the past though not so easy but until and unless a trial attempt is made, you can never succeed. You do not have to bury your past forever but just now since you need to get out of this situation as fast as possible. Think positive and avoid listening to heart during such situations.