Cornell Potting Soil Recipe
- For a Cornell Peat-lite potting soil, mix ½ cubic meter sphagnum peat moss and ½ cubic meter perlite or vermiculite together. If using perlite instead of vermiculite, mix in 0.3 kg potassium chloride. Add 2.4 kg ammonium nitrate, 6 kg dolomitic limestone and 1.5 kg super phosphate. Thoroughly mix materials together.
For a Cornell Foliage Plant mix, use ½ cubic meter sphagnum peat moss, 1/4 cubic meter perlite, ¼ cubic meter vermiculite, 4.9 kg dolomitic limestone, 1.2 kg powdered super phosphate, 1.6 kg 10-10-10 fertilizer, 0.4 kg iron sulfate, 0.6 kg 14-0-44 potassium nitrate and 0.6 kg of a granular wetting agent. Granular wetting agents reduce the surface tension of water enough that the surface of soil particles allows water to move into the particles through pores.
For a Cornell Epiphytic potting soil, mix 0.33 cubic meter sphagnum peat moss with 0.33 cubic meters Douglas red fir or white fir bark. Mix in 1/4 cubic meter perlite, 4.2 kg dolomitic limestone, 2.7 kg powdered super phosphate, 1.5 kg 10-10-10 fertilizer, 0.3 kg iron sulfate, 0.5 kg 14-0-44 potassium nitrate and 0.9 kg of a granular wetting agent. - Lay a tarp on the ground or mix materials in a large wheelbarrow. Thoroughly mix materials with a shovel for a consistent soil balance. Store leftover Cornell potting soil in a covered, waterproof container protected from the elements. Use as needed.
The Process