Aurora Ice Hotel
This unique hotel, made entirely of ice, is part of Chena Hot Springs Resort, sixty miles northeast of Fairbanks, Alaska. Update: No longer a hotel, the Aurora Ice Museum was built instead in 2005. The Ice Bar and Museum are open year-round. Possibly the most unique of all the Alaska hotels, this is the only hotel in the United States made entirely of ice. Ironically, the hotel was shut down in its first year of operation by Alaska's Fire Marshall until all rooms had smoke detectors and fire extinguishers installed.
Aurora Ice Hotel: Guest Rooms
Yes, rooms and furnishings are made entirely of ice. Parka, snow pants and boots are provided. Brave souls who stay overnight receive a complimentary room at Chena Hot Springs Resort to store their suitcases and take a shower.
Aurora Ice Hotel: Inside
Six themed rooms, an ice bar, five fiber optic lit ice chandeliers, and a wedding gazebo make it quite a tourist attraction. You don't have to stay overnight in the ice hotel to enjoy it; you can take a tour, visit the ice bar for a martini made out of ice, or hold a party there.
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Aurora Ice Hotel is located: sixty miles northeast of Fairbanks, Alaska
P.O. Box 58740, Fairbanks, Alaska 99711 USA
Phone: (907) 451-8104; Reservations: (800) 478-4681
Web site: Aurora Ice Hotel