A Day Trading Robot Scam Cover Up?
Day Trading Robot is one of many stock analysis programs which promises to deliver big profits just by investing in the picks which it generates. With some labeling it a Day Trading Robot scam, I decided to test it first hand after hearing of their risk free money back guarantee to learn the truth for myself.
This is a stock picking program, meaning that it generates what it believes to be profitable stock pick opportunities in the market so that all you've got to do is invest accordingly. It does this using algorithms based on 23 supposedly winning trading techniques from an expert trader. These algorithms constantly analyze real time market data around the clock and based on this identify and pick out what they believe to be stocks which are bottomed out or poised to go on a profitable trend somehow.
It conveniently notifies you of this information so that all of the work has been done for you, all you've got to do is enact the specific trades accordingly and follow its instructions to the letter. Consequently all you've got to be able to do is know how to enact a trade yourself using an online trading account, so this system is recommendable for beginners as well as more experienced traders.
In the first week and after placing all of the trades which Day Trading Robot advised me to, I found that I had won 8 out of 10. So no, this system isn't a full proof way to win EVERY trade, and you shouldn't expect that. But I can attest that although I didn't win every trade, I won the vast majority and in the 3 months or so since I've been using this system the gains have always made up for the losses and then some and I have yet to experience an even remotely close to losing week.
Undeniably you'll find that one of the most impressive aspects of Day Trading Robot is when it delivers 3 or 4 consecutive trades so that you can turn a relatively small investment into an attractive profit over a relatively small period of time. Keep in mind that you've got to do exactly what the system tells you, but assuming you can respond to basic trading instructions you'll see these efforts pay off in spades.
This is a stock picking program, meaning that it generates what it believes to be profitable stock pick opportunities in the market so that all you've got to do is invest accordingly. It does this using algorithms based on 23 supposedly winning trading techniques from an expert trader. These algorithms constantly analyze real time market data around the clock and based on this identify and pick out what they believe to be stocks which are bottomed out or poised to go on a profitable trend somehow.
It conveniently notifies you of this information so that all of the work has been done for you, all you've got to do is enact the specific trades accordingly and follow its instructions to the letter. Consequently all you've got to be able to do is know how to enact a trade yourself using an online trading account, so this system is recommendable for beginners as well as more experienced traders.
In the first week and after placing all of the trades which Day Trading Robot advised me to, I found that I had won 8 out of 10. So no, this system isn't a full proof way to win EVERY trade, and you shouldn't expect that. But I can attest that although I didn't win every trade, I won the vast majority and in the 3 months or so since I've been using this system the gains have always made up for the losses and then some and I have yet to experience an even remotely close to losing week.
Undeniably you'll find that one of the most impressive aspects of Day Trading Robot is when it delivers 3 or 4 consecutive trades so that you can turn a relatively small investment into an attractive profit over a relatively small period of time. Keep in mind that you've got to do exactly what the system tells you, but assuming you can respond to basic trading instructions you'll see these efforts pay off in spades.