Moon in Yoga Configuration
Dr. Shanker Adawal
Chandrama Manasojatah: This is what Shastra speak of the Moon. Moon was born of the mind of the creator. In Puranic Mythology Soma, the Moon, is commonly said to be the son of Rishi Atri by his wife, Ansuya, but the authorities differ. One made his son of Dharma, another gives his paternity to prabhakar (of the race of Atri) and he is also said to have been produced from the churning of the ocean in another Manwantara.
In the Vishnu Purana, he is called "the Monarch of Brahmins" but the Brihd Aranyaka, an older work makes him a kshatriya. He married twenty seven daughters of Rishi Daksha, who are personification of twenty-seven lunar asterisms but keeping up the personality, he paid such attention to Rohini, the fourth of them, that the others became jealous and appealed for their father Daksha's interference which proved fruitless, and he cursed his son-in-law, so that he remained childless and moved the pity of his wives, and they interceded with their father for him. He could not recall his curse, but modified it so that the decay should be periodical not permanent. Hence the wane and increase of the Moon.
He performed the Raja-Suya sacrifice, and consequently became arrogant and licentious and carried off Tara, the wife of Brihaspati and refused to give her up either on the entreaties of her husband or at the command of Brahma. This gave rise to a wide spread quarrel. The sage Ushanas, out of enmity to Brihaspati sided with soma, and he was supported by the Danavas, the Diatyas, and other foes of the god. Indra and gods, in general, sided with Brihaspati. There ensured a fierce battle and the "earth was shaken to its center."
Soma had his body cut into two by Shiva's Trident, and hence he is called Bhagnatma. At length Brahma interposed and stopped the fight, compelling Soma to restore Tara to her husband. The result of this intrigue was the birth of a child whom Tara after great persuasion declared to be the son of Soma, and to whom the name of Buddha was given. Though there is no enemy to Moon but Mercury regards the Moon as his enemy as Saturn regards his father Sun as enemy.
The position of Moon in the chart of a native is of paramount importance. It is the ruler of the mind, intelligence, heart, mother, vital energy, beauty and saturation of blood. It is Phlegmatic windy, soft in speech and presides over North-West quarters. It rules over white colour, watery places and substances, Textiles, fine, chemical and pharmaceuticals, milk, sugar, pearl, silver, and young women.
The organs of the body ruled by Moon are arteries, nerves, brain, stomach. In females, it rules uterus, bladder, breasts and ovaries. In the natural zodiac, it owns Cancer sign and the 4th house. When it is a weak, debilitated and conjoined/aspected by malefic, it shall destroy the significations of fourth house i.e. education (especially acquisition of a degree) mother, conveyance, residential house, landed property, intelligence and agricultural gains. Moon in Taurus or Cancer always gives good effects.
Moon is strong from 11th of the bright half to the 5th of dark half, and benefit of strength from 6th of the dark half to 10th and bright half. Moon is considered good in 1st, 5th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses, moderate in 2nd, 3rd, 4th and the 12th houses, where one is attracted towards other's wives and love luxury. It gives bad effects in 6th and 8th houses. The main and sub-dasa of badly placed moon, brings loss of mother, wife, wealth or suspension in service. These effects are general in nature which will be modified depending upon ascendant and planetary placement in the beginning of Dasa period it gives the effects of the house where posited, while in the middle of the Dasa, the effects of the sign occupied by it and the effects of the Karaka of the house occupied by the Moon in the last period of Dasha.
BrihatJataka, states that Moon in Kendra to Sun, gives weak intellect to a person, in success (2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th) medium intellect, and a cadent houses (3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th) good intellect. When any planet (excluding Sun) occupy 2nd, 12th or both houses from the Moon, Sunapha, Anapha and Durudhara Yoga are produced. These three Yogas indicate fortune and affluence.
One born in Sunapha-yoga will be a king or its equivalent having property wisdom and wealth.
Native born in Anapha Yoga will be strong, wealthy famous, blessed with material comforts, well dressed, contented and happy.
Person born in Durudhara – Yoga, enjoys life and is blessed with abundance of wealth, vehicles and attendants.
Mars forming Sunapha or Anapha – Yoga makes one energetic, powerful, wealthy and bold. Mercury makes one skilful, eloquent and proficient in arts. Jupiter makes one wealthy, virtuous happy and honoured by the sovereign. If it be Venus he will be rich and sensual when Saturn is in the 2nd or 12th of the Moon the person enjoys other's wealth, adopts to various occupations and becomes a leader of men. Provided there are more than 30 bindus of Samudia Ashtak Varga in 2nd & 12th houses to Moon.
Another important chandradhi-yoga is formed, when benefics like Mercury, Jupiter and Venus occupy 6th, 7th and 8th houses from Moon. One born in such a Yoga will be a Commander (Army of Police) a minister or a ruler. Such natives attain height of prosperity and pleasure, overcome their foes and live a long life free from diseases. In Yoga formed with respect to Moon, the Sun in opposition, Moon will lower the Efficacy of the Yoga.
There can be seven types of Adhi-Yogas, when the above three occupy one or more of 6th, 7th and 8th house from the Moon.
(1) All the three benefics in 6th, 7th and 8th house.
(ii) In 6th and 7th.
(iii) In 6th and 8th.
(iv) In 7th and 8th.
(v) In 6th only.
(vi) In 7th only.
(vii) In 8th only.
Absence of planets in 2nd and 12th Moon is said to form Kemadruma – Yoga a bad Yoga (please note the native becomes obscure, miserable, base, though born in a king's house.
Sage Garga opines that if Moon occupies a Kendra position from Lagna or is associated with Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn in Kendra, this Yoga is nullified.
But Varaha Mihira, rejects this view, and holds that the Moon with the malefic or in a Kendra to Mercury, Venus or Jupiter also do not favour cancellation of this Yoga, except with Mars or Saturn in Kendra to Moon. He had a soft corner for Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, being natural benefics. The effects shall be felt with a pinch of salt, when malefic conjoin benefics.
Brihat Jataka praises Moon aspecting Jupiter for a day birth which makes one wealthy while for a night birth. Moon aspecting Venus, makes one happy. When all the benefics are in the Upachaya houses (3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th) from the ascendant, the person shall be immensely rich, when the three benefics mercury, Jupiter and Venus be in Upchaya houses from the Moon the person will be an ordinary landlord. When there are two benefics in these houses, one shall possess moderate wealth. In case of only one benefic, one shall have little wealth (hand to mouth). If no benefic no land or house. The main point to ponder over these Yogas is that the great Varaha Mihira has authoritatively stated that even if there are other malefic Yoga even then the efficacy of this Yoga will prevail. By this, the sage has complimented the Upchaya position of the benefics from Moon since he does not agree to mitigation or annihilation of kemadrumayoga by Kendra position or association of planets like Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, as annunciated by sage Garga.
I am of the view that Kema-druma-yoga is not so dreaded as looked down upon, while the position of benefics in Upchaya houses (3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th) from Moon shall mitigate if it do not completely alleviate.
The chart is adduced to elucidate my contention. The native is a Virgo born with Rahu in Lagna, Mars in the 6th, Moon, Ketu in the 7th, Saturn in the 8th and the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in the 9th. All the three benefics (Mercury Jupiter and Venus) are in Upchaya position from the Moon. The unsullied lagna and 10th lord Mercury joins Venus (9th lord) in the 9th, forming Karam-Dharam Yoga. Jupiter lord of 4th and 7th avoiding Kendra-Dhipati-Dosha joins the Yoga to enhance its efficacy.
Mars in the 6th and the Saturn in the 8th have mutually exchanging places, to form Viparita Raja-yoga, in addition to formation of Durudhura-yoga (Mars and Saturn being in 2nd and 12th to Moon). The native had an ordinary service career since debilitated Saturn aspects 10th houses. Mars (3rd and 8th lord a direr-malefic for Virgo) aspects the planets forming the Yoga. He is now running Venus Maha Dasa and lost wealth in business (run in the name of his wife) while the native was in service.
Dr. B. V. Raman writes, in Bhavartha Ratnaka that a Virgo nativity loses wealth in Venus Dasha. But another view goes thus;
Kanya Lagne Jatasya Bhrigoh Chandra Syavayadi
Sambandho Yadi Vidheta Raveh Dare Dhanagam
Meaning: In case of Kanya Lagan natives, when sun is related to Venus or the Moon by mutual conjunction or aspect, etc. the native will have access to wealth during Sun's Dasa.
The native owns landed property worth lacs of rupees, a spacious house a self made factory. He is doing well with his own job these days. Such Dasa must elevate him in his business.
Chandrama Manasojatah: This is what Shastra speak of the Moon. Moon was born of the mind of the creator. In Puranic Mythology Soma, the Moon, is commonly said to be the son of Rishi Atri by his wife, Ansuya, but the authorities differ. One made his son of Dharma, another gives his paternity to prabhakar (of the race of Atri) and he is also said to have been produced from the churning of the ocean in another Manwantara.
In the Vishnu Purana, he is called "the Monarch of Brahmins" but the Brihd Aranyaka, an older work makes him a kshatriya. He married twenty seven daughters of Rishi Daksha, who are personification of twenty-seven lunar asterisms but keeping up the personality, he paid such attention to Rohini, the fourth of them, that the others became jealous and appealed for their father Daksha's interference which proved fruitless, and he cursed his son-in-law, so that he remained childless and moved the pity of his wives, and they interceded with their father for him. He could not recall his curse, but modified it so that the decay should be periodical not permanent. Hence the wane and increase of the Moon.
He performed the Raja-Suya sacrifice, and consequently became arrogant and licentious and carried off Tara, the wife of Brihaspati and refused to give her up either on the entreaties of her husband or at the command of Brahma. This gave rise to a wide spread quarrel. The sage Ushanas, out of enmity to Brihaspati sided with soma, and he was supported by the Danavas, the Diatyas, and other foes of the god. Indra and gods, in general, sided with Brihaspati. There ensured a fierce battle and the "earth was shaken to its center."
Soma had his body cut into two by Shiva's Trident, and hence he is called Bhagnatma. At length Brahma interposed and stopped the fight, compelling Soma to restore Tara to her husband. The result of this intrigue was the birth of a child whom Tara after great persuasion declared to be the son of Soma, and to whom the name of Buddha was given. Though there is no enemy to Moon but Mercury regards the Moon as his enemy as Saturn regards his father Sun as enemy.
The position of Moon in the chart of a native is of paramount importance. It is the ruler of the mind, intelligence, heart, mother, vital energy, beauty and saturation of blood. It is Phlegmatic windy, soft in speech and presides over North-West quarters. It rules over white colour, watery places and substances, Textiles, fine, chemical and pharmaceuticals, milk, sugar, pearl, silver, and young women.
The organs of the body ruled by Moon are arteries, nerves, brain, stomach. In females, it rules uterus, bladder, breasts and ovaries. In the natural zodiac, it owns Cancer sign and the 4th house. When it is a weak, debilitated and conjoined/aspected by malefic, it shall destroy the significations of fourth house i.e. education (especially acquisition of a degree) mother, conveyance, residential house, landed property, intelligence and agricultural gains. Moon in Taurus or Cancer always gives good effects.
Moon is strong from 11th of the bright half to the 5th of dark half, and benefit of strength from 6th of the dark half to 10th and bright half. Moon is considered good in 1st, 5th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses, moderate in 2nd, 3rd, 4th and the 12th houses, where one is attracted towards other's wives and love luxury. It gives bad effects in 6th and 8th houses. The main and sub-dasa of badly placed moon, brings loss of mother, wife, wealth or suspension in service. These effects are general in nature which will be modified depending upon ascendant and planetary placement in the beginning of Dasa period it gives the effects of the house where posited, while in the middle of the Dasa, the effects of the sign occupied by it and the effects of the Karaka of the house occupied by the Moon in the last period of Dasha.
BrihatJataka, states that Moon in Kendra to Sun, gives weak intellect to a person, in success (2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th) medium intellect, and a cadent houses (3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th) good intellect. When any planet (excluding Sun) occupy 2nd, 12th or both houses from the Moon, Sunapha, Anapha and Durudhara Yoga are produced. These three Yogas indicate fortune and affluence.
One born in Sunapha-yoga will be a king or its equivalent having property wisdom and wealth.
Native born in Anapha Yoga will be strong, wealthy famous, blessed with material comforts, well dressed, contented and happy.
Person born in Durudhara – Yoga, enjoys life and is blessed with abundance of wealth, vehicles and attendants.
Mars forming Sunapha or Anapha – Yoga makes one energetic, powerful, wealthy and bold. Mercury makes one skilful, eloquent and proficient in arts. Jupiter makes one wealthy, virtuous happy and honoured by the sovereign. If it be Venus he will be rich and sensual when Saturn is in the 2nd or 12th of the Moon the person enjoys other's wealth, adopts to various occupations and becomes a leader of men. Provided there are more than 30 bindus of Samudia Ashtak Varga in 2nd & 12th houses to Moon.
Another important chandradhi-yoga is formed, when benefics like Mercury, Jupiter and Venus occupy 6th, 7th and 8th houses from Moon. One born in such a Yoga will be a Commander (Army of Police) a minister or a ruler. Such natives attain height of prosperity and pleasure, overcome their foes and live a long life free from diseases. In Yoga formed with respect to Moon, the Sun in opposition, Moon will lower the Efficacy of the Yoga.
There can be seven types of Adhi-Yogas, when the above three occupy one or more of 6th, 7th and 8th house from the Moon.
(1) All the three benefics in 6th, 7th and 8th house.
(ii) In 6th and 7th.
(iii) In 6th and 8th.
(iv) In 7th and 8th.
(v) In 6th only.
(vi) In 7th only.
(vii) In 8th only.
Absence of planets in 2nd and 12th Moon is said to form Kemadruma – Yoga a bad Yoga (please note the native becomes obscure, miserable, base, though born in a king's house.
Sage Garga opines that if Moon occupies a Kendra position from Lagna or is associated with Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn in Kendra, this Yoga is nullified.
But Varaha Mihira, rejects this view, and holds that the Moon with the malefic or in a Kendra to Mercury, Venus or Jupiter also do not favour cancellation of this Yoga, except with Mars or Saturn in Kendra to Moon. He had a soft corner for Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, being natural benefics. The effects shall be felt with a pinch of salt, when malefic conjoin benefics.
Brihat Jataka praises Moon aspecting Jupiter for a day birth which makes one wealthy while for a night birth. Moon aspecting Venus, makes one happy. When all the benefics are in the Upachaya houses (3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th) from the ascendant, the person shall be immensely rich, when the three benefics mercury, Jupiter and Venus be in Upchaya houses from the Moon the person will be an ordinary landlord. When there are two benefics in these houses, one shall possess moderate wealth. In case of only one benefic, one shall have little wealth (hand to mouth). If no benefic no land or house. The main point to ponder over these Yogas is that the great Varaha Mihira has authoritatively stated that even if there are other malefic Yoga even then the efficacy of this Yoga will prevail. By this, the sage has complimented the Upchaya position of the benefics from Moon since he does not agree to mitigation or annihilation of kemadrumayoga by Kendra position or association of planets like Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, as annunciated by sage Garga.
I am of the view that Kema-druma-yoga is not so dreaded as looked down upon, while the position of benefics in Upchaya houses (3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th) from Moon shall mitigate if it do not completely alleviate.
The chart is adduced to elucidate my contention. The native is a Virgo born with Rahu in Lagna, Mars in the 6th, Moon, Ketu in the 7th, Saturn in the 8th and the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in the 9th. All the three benefics (Mercury Jupiter and Venus) are in Upchaya position from the Moon. The unsullied lagna and 10th lord Mercury joins Venus (9th lord) in the 9th, forming Karam-Dharam Yoga. Jupiter lord of 4th and 7th avoiding Kendra-Dhipati-Dosha joins the Yoga to enhance its efficacy.
Mars in the 6th and the Saturn in the 8th have mutually exchanging places, to form Viparita Raja-yoga, in addition to formation of Durudhura-yoga (Mars and Saturn being in 2nd and 12th to Moon). The native had an ordinary service career since debilitated Saturn aspects 10th houses. Mars (3rd and 8th lord a direr-malefic for Virgo) aspects the planets forming the Yoga. He is now running Venus Maha Dasa and lost wealth in business (run in the name of his wife) while the native was in service.
Dr. B. V. Raman writes, in Bhavartha Ratnaka that a Virgo nativity loses wealth in Venus Dasha. But another view goes thus;
Kanya Lagne Jatasya Bhrigoh Chandra Syavayadi
Sambandho Yadi Vidheta Raveh Dare Dhanagam
Meaning: In case of Kanya Lagan natives, when sun is related to Venus or the Moon by mutual conjunction or aspect, etc. the native will have access to wealth during Sun's Dasa.
The native owns landed property worth lacs of rupees, a spacious house a self made factory. He is doing well with his own job these days. Such Dasa must elevate him in his business.