Fun Sunday School Lessons for Children
- The fruits of the Spirit are outlined in Galatians 5: 22-23. The fruits are love, gentleness, peace, patience, joy, kindness, faithfulness, goodness and self control. These fruit become part of our everyday lives when we make a conscious decision to follow Christ and His principles and laws. Have each child make a tree from green-and-brown construction paper. Write the fruits of the Spirit onto fruit shapes cut from paper. Have the children glue the fruits to their tree. Help the children memorize the fruits of the Spirit as part of the lesson.
- This lesson is based off of Proverbs 6:6-8. In this verse, the benefits of leading a useful and productive life are outlined, just like ants, that always work in finding food. Outline the importance of completing tasks even without being told by parents or other authority figures. Children can make ants from egg cartons and pipe cleaner legs as a craft, or just color pictures of ants if you don't have enough time for a longer craft.
- This is a fun acronym for teaching children how a Christian's thought process should be different than that of the world or other religions. The words in the acronym stand for All, Eternity, I, Others and You. A Christian should have the prospective that All belongs to God, Eternity is the focus of our lives, I can't get to heaven without the help of Jesus, we should pass on the love of God to Others and only yoU can make the choice to believe or not. Make this lesson fun by letting the children make an AEIOU booklet for themselves to share with family and friends.
- Many verses in the Bible outline the importance of speaking about God's power and thinking about it often. One of the core Christian beliefs is that believing something in your heart and speaking it can make it come true. Many Christians in the Bible used words to heal, and Jesus always spoke his healing and miracles. Romans 10:8, Proverbs 18: 21, Psalm 1:2, Mark 11: 23 and John 15:7 are all excellent examples of this teaching. Stress the importance of speaking good about self and others to children. Have them consider what can happen if they speak evil to others. Ask children to identify good phrases and actions or bad phrases and actions. Have the children "X" out the bad phrases or actions.
Fruits of the Spirit
Learning from Ants
Speaking Good and Not Evil