Its a Special Tonic for Build
Opportunity to create level playing field for different types of insurance you would open up the opportunity for millions of Americans to get which coverage of their choice while reducing the burden on taxpayers in hospitals today who provide free care to the uninsured and the most expensive place for me the hospital emergency room thank you very much good morning and I think it would Princeton for the opportunity you don't have to be in health policy very long to know the first rule and health policy there's never directly follow will go-around her some right now we're at a time of maximum uncertainty with regard to the future of health care and I think it's very much like being.
The middle hurricane you simply don't know where you're staying until the clouds clear and you can assess and I think the current financial crisis will won't be resolved one way or the other by the time hold on election and by January I think we'll have a much clearer picture of what's possible on health care so Minot going to make any predictions about that but what I will say this that uh... I believe health care is fundamental economic issue and await your at our peril I think the most expensive option in front of us has to do nothing today you saw the federal employee health plan premiums going up eighty percent was cited the figure that family coverage is fifteen thousand dollars a year don't have to compound very many years of five percent increases before you realize that this is the long-term challenge only two the federal budget but the family budgets into a budget surplus since this is the big issue economically.
We if we only pay for healthcare at the pump I think people would be screaming a lot more about health prices than they are about gas prices in a fifteen thousand comments here you can you imagine perhaps and you know part of the problem is that those costs are so hidden today most consumers only see what they re page at the point of service out-of-pocket true burden that affects their ability to pay their mortgage that affects their ability to pay for gas his healthcare that's kept down increasing real wages and certainly a drag on the economy to the extent that we are not getting good value for the dollar spent I agree with part of today other health care delivery system is not somatodrol providing met value so well what can we say about the presidential plans well first thing I would say is there armed only directional we don't have.
The middle hurricane you simply don't know where you're staying until the clouds clear and you can assess and I think the current financial crisis will won't be resolved one way or the other by the time hold on election and by January I think we'll have a much clearer picture of what's possible on health care so Minot going to make any predictions about that but what I will say this that uh... I believe health care is fundamental economic issue and await your at our peril I think the most expensive option in front of us has to do nothing today you saw the federal employee health plan premiums going up eighty percent was cited the figure that family coverage is fifteen thousand dollars a year don't have to compound very many years of five percent increases before you realize that this is the long-term challenge only two the federal budget but the family budgets into a budget surplus since this is the big issue economically.
We if we only pay for healthcare at the pump I think people would be screaming a lot more about health prices than they are about gas prices in a fifteen thousand comments here you can you imagine perhaps and you know part of the problem is that those costs are so hidden today most consumers only see what they re page at the point of service out-of-pocket true burden that affects their ability to pay their mortgage that affects their ability to pay for gas his healthcare that's kept down increasing real wages and certainly a drag on the economy to the extent that we are not getting good value for the dollar spent I agree with part of today other health care delivery system is not somatodrol providing met value so well what can we say about the presidential plans well first thing I would say is there armed only directional we don't have.