Hand Exercises Alone FAIL! Want Real 4" Growth? Find Out How Science Makes Your Penis Grow For
The truth is out and it has exposed penile exercise as one very big con.
In this article I am going to teach you why penile exercises won't make your penis any bigger in size permanently and what you need to do if you really want to see results...
Why doesn't exercise deliver? If the penis enlargement market is so full of exercise equipment how can all of these products fail to deliver results? These products are like having your own personal magician for your penis.
They don't do real magic or provide real results but they give the illusion of success that keeps them in business.
Pumps, weights and extenders all do the same thing - they all increase the flow of blood into the penis - trap it there - and make the penis swell.
This makes you think that your penis is growing but of course this isn't permanent.
When this blood eventually drains out of your penis you will be back to square one - the same old tired size you had before and you will have wasted a fortune and a lot of time in the process.
Exercising alone simply won't add any size onto your penis.
Is there anything you can do to see real results? There are two ways of causing real and permanent gains onto the size of your penis.
The first is surgery but the insanely high cost and risk factors attached should make this a last ditch attempt.
The other method is through natural enlargement which causes growth in the same manner that your body used to cause growth during puberty.
The way natural enlargement works is by recreating the environment that your body possessed during puberty to restart the natural process.
To make this happen you need to return the biochemicals and nutrients that your body produced during puberty back into your system and then exercise to make sure they reach the penis.
Exercise can only be effective if you have the biochemicals and nutrients within the penis and with them natural penile growth will resume.
I added 4 inches onto the size of my penis naturally - you can too With natural enlargement I added 4 inches onto the size of my penis just by giving my body what it needs to grow.
You can add between 2 - 5 inches of length and girth just by using the same natural enlargement program that I did.
Don't rely on useless exercise for size - start to grow naturally with a proven method.
In this article I am going to teach you why penile exercises won't make your penis any bigger in size permanently and what you need to do if you really want to see results...
Why doesn't exercise deliver? If the penis enlargement market is so full of exercise equipment how can all of these products fail to deliver results? These products are like having your own personal magician for your penis.
They don't do real magic or provide real results but they give the illusion of success that keeps them in business.
Pumps, weights and extenders all do the same thing - they all increase the flow of blood into the penis - trap it there - and make the penis swell.
This makes you think that your penis is growing but of course this isn't permanent.
When this blood eventually drains out of your penis you will be back to square one - the same old tired size you had before and you will have wasted a fortune and a lot of time in the process.
Exercising alone simply won't add any size onto your penis.
Is there anything you can do to see real results? There are two ways of causing real and permanent gains onto the size of your penis.
The first is surgery but the insanely high cost and risk factors attached should make this a last ditch attempt.
The other method is through natural enlargement which causes growth in the same manner that your body used to cause growth during puberty.
The way natural enlargement works is by recreating the environment that your body possessed during puberty to restart the natural process.
To make this happen you need to return the biochemicals and nutrients that your body produced during puberty back into your system and then exercise to make sure they reach the penis.
Exercise can only be effective if you have the biochemicals and nutrients within the penis and with them natural penile growth will resume.
I added 4 inches onto the size of my penis naturally - you can too With natural enlargement I added 4 inches onto the size of my penis just by giving my body what it needs to grow.
You can add between 2 - 5 inches of length and girth just by using the same natural enlargement program that I did.
Don't rely on useless exercise for size - start to grow naturally with a proven method.