Health and You
I have spent the last few days listening, listening to my feelings, listening to others but something still nags at me. I may have been listening, but nobody else was. I have been shown over and over again, that what is said is very different to what a person hears. Either a person is not interested, or maybe they have not been taught how to listen.
We live in a sick society, we are taught that as soon as your ill you have to visit your doctor, if you need to lose weight you have to go out and buy the latest 'Scientific' book on how to lose weight and change your life too. I'm sorry, but why do you need to spend money on a book/dvd on a subject that is so simple.
OK, before people start moaning that not all people who need to lose weight are able to. You are totally correct, there are a small number of people out there who have a medical condition that makes it very difficult to lose weight.
The sad fact of the matter is this, most people who are obese are totally unconscious of what they are shovelling into their mouths. If you confront these types of people, they will give you a hundred different reasons why they can't. They are suffering from massive denial!
How many people still have no understanding of the human body that they inhabit, they abuse their bodies mentally and physically and then to add insult to injury they have no idea why it stops functioning. "Quick phone the doctor, I am too lazy to do anything myself!"
Most illnesses has it's roots in emotional problems, it is only when the emotional issue has not been dealt with that the body has to give you a huge kick in the butt. Nothing in this world happens without a reason, there are no 'grey' areas.
Are you going to get in touch with how you feel? Or do you need some 'magic' pills from the Doctors?
The big 'Health & Fitness' craze that has been around now for a number of years really makes me laugh, we are sold the benefit of joining a health club, sold a membership to run on a treadmill getting no where fast. We are sold the latest books, DVD's and gadgets for getting super ripped abs. Spend $39.99 and in less than 20 minutes, 3 times per week you too can look like Cindy Crawford. Just don't look in the mirror because you may realise your not Cindy and put that super gadget under the bed, next to the last gadget you brought.
Sorry if any of this is making you angry, but I get emotional when people refuse to take a long hard look at themselves. Yes I know that seeing yourself for who you are will be very painful, but don't you think you owe it to yourself to be honest after all these years of neglect?
Throw away those silly gadgets that you never really wanted anyway, and stand tall as the creator of your universe.
Take a deep Breath and............
I am (Insert Name Here) and I am the creator of my universe, and I love myself for who I am.
We live in a sick society, we are taught that as soon as your ill you have to visit your doctor, if you need to lose weight you have to go out and buy the latest 'Scientific' book on how to lose weight and change your life too. I'm sorry, but why do you need to spend money on a book/dvd on a subject that is so simple.
OK, before people start moaning that not all people who need to lose weight are able to. You are totally correct, there are a small number of people out there who have a medical condition that makes it very difficult to lose weight.
The sad fact of the matter is this, most people who are obese are totally unconscious of what they are shovelling into their mouths. If you confront these types of people, they will give you a hundred different reasons why they can't. They are suffering from massive denial!
How many people still have no understanding of the human body that they inhabit, they abuse their bodies mentally and physically and then to add insult to injury they have no idea why it stops functioning. "Quick phone the doctor, I am too lazy to do anything myself!"
Most illnesses has it's roots in emotional problems, it is only when the emotional issue has not been dealt with that the body has to give you a huge kick in the butt. Nothing in this world happens without a reason, there are no 'grey' areas.
Are you going to get in touch with how you feel? Or do you need some 'magic' pills from the Doctors?
The big 'Health & Fitness' craze that has been around now for a number of years really makes me laugh, we are sold the benefit of joining a health club, sold a membership to run on a treadmill getting no where fast. We are sold the latest books, DVD's and gadgets for getting super ripped abs. Spend $39.99 and in less than 20 minutes, 3 times per week you too can look like Cindy Crawford. Just don't look in the mirror because you may realise your not Cindy and put that super gadget under the bed, next to the last gadget you brought.
Sorry if any of this is making you angry, but I get emotional when people refuse to take a long hard look at themselves. Yes I know that seeing yourself for who you are will be very painful, but don't you think you owe it to yourself to be honest after all these years of neglect?
Throw away those silly gadgets that you never really wanted anyway, and stand tall as the creator of your universe.
Take a deep Breath and............
I am (Insert Name Here) and I am the creator of my universe, and I love myself for who I am.