What Is The Best, Most Perfect, Or Optimal Day To Get Pregnant With A Girl Baby?
I recently heard from a woman who wanted for me to help her pinpoint the very best day for her to get pregnant with or conceive a girl baby. It seemed like she wanted for me to come up with a concrete date and day. This was a very difficult request without having more information about ovulation times and PH levels.
Of course, it's appealing to think that you could just come up with an arbitrary day that would be the best one to get you a daughter. But, this usually is the exception rather than the rule. Determining the optimal day to conceive a girl baby often requires careful testing and tweaking. I will explain this more in the following article.
Using Technology And Science To Pinpoint The Best Day To Become Pregnant With A Girl Rather Than A Boy Baby: I get asked a lot about numerology, Chinese calendars and astrology as these things relate to your baby's gender. Although these things can be fun, they really don't take any of the scientific reasons which are behind your conceiving a girl into account.
If you want a daughter, what needs to happen is that you need for an X sperm chromosome to fertilize your egg. It can't be a Y chromosome instead because this result in a boy conception. You can rely on luck and hope for the best. Or, you can use tools and what we know about the X chromosomes to increase your chances in a very concrete and deliberate way.
For a girl conception, you need early intercourse that occurs before ovulation. This can be tricky since a lot of the more widely known and popular ovulation predictors only work to tell you when ovulation has occurred (which would be too late in this case.) In my opinion, you'll usually get better results will the lessor known saliva predictors if you want a girl.
Another thing that you need to conceive a girl is an acidic PH. You can typically achieve this through diet and douching. But again, you can use technology to help you. There are PH testing strips that will tell you your levels before and after you start any regimen. You can use them to help you determine what is working for you and what isn't. Some foods are acidic before you eat them but turn alkaline when digested. The strips can help you to determine which foods or douches work uniquely best for you.
When The Optimal PH And The Ovulation Days Intersect, That's Your Perfect Day On Which To Get Pregnant With A Girl Child: I always tell people to shoot for conceiving around three days before ovulation. The saliva predictors have little charts which show you how the slide should look each day before ovulation. It's not that difficult to match them up to tell where you are in your cycle.
While your watching your ovulation cycle, you should also be monitoring your PH. Because there will be a day (or a couple of days) when you see that you're where you should be in terms of your egg. This will be the day that you should have intercourse. At the same time, your PH should also be at the optimal level. When the two intersect, this is the day (or few days) that you are shooting for.
This could be Monday the 4th. Or Sunday the 12th. The moon could be full or not. It make happen on the last day that you would've expected. To me, it doesn't matter in the least what the calendar says. What matter is what the ovulation predictor and the PH test strips say. I find it much preferable to use technology for the answers rather than other external things which are fun but are not based on science.
I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender. You'll find: step by step instructions; information on PH testers; resources for determining ovulation times (and examples of good saliva and ovulation predictors;) resources for douche recipes and food PH lists; information on when to conceive; and support.
If you want a girl baby, check out http://conceive-a-girl-baby.com/
If you want a boy baby, check out http://conceive-a-boy-baby.com/
Of course, it's appealing to think that you could just come up with an arbitrary day that would be the best one to get you a daughter. But, this usually is the exception rather than the rule. Determining the optimal day to conceive a girl baby often requires careful testing and tweaking. I will explain this more in the following article.
Using Technology And Science To Pinpoint The Best Day To Become Pregnant With A Girl Rather Than A Boy Baby: I get asked a lot about numerology, Chinese calendars and astrology as these things relate to your baby's gender. Although these things can be fun, they really don't take any of the scientific reasons which are behind your conceiving a girl into account.
If you want a daughter, what needs to happen is that you need for an X sperm chromosome to fertilize your egg. It can't be a Y chromosome instead because this result in a boy conception. You can rely on luck and hope for the best. Or, you can use tools and what we know about the X chromosomes to increase your chances in a very concrete and deliberate way.
For a girl conception, you need early intercourse that occurs before ovulation. This can be tricky since a lot of the more widely known and popular ovulation predictors only work to tell you when ovulation has occurred (which would be too late in this case.) In my opinion, you'll usually get better results will the lessor known saliva predictors if you want a girl.
Another thing that you need to conceive a girl is an acidic PH. You can typically achieve this through diet and douching. But again, you can use technology to help you. There are PH testing strips that will tell you your levels before and after you start any regimen. You can use them to help you determine what is working for you and what isn't. Some foods are acidic before you eat them but turn alkaline when digested. The strips can help you to determine which foods or douches work uniquely best for you.
When The Optimal PH And The Ovulation Days Intersect, That's Your Perfect Day On Which To Get Pregnant With A Girl Child: I always tell people to shoot for conceiving around three days before ovulation. The saliva predictors have little charts which show you how the slide should look each day before ovulation. It's not that difficult to match them up to tell where you are in your cycle.
While your watching your ovulation cycle, you should also be monitoring your PH. Because there will be a day (or a couple of days) when you see that you're where you should be in terms of your egg. This will be the day that you should have intercourse. At the same time, your PH should also be at the optimal level. When the two intersect, this is the day (or few days) that you are shooting for.
This could be Monday the 4th. Or Sunday the 12th. The moon could be full or not. It make happen on the last day that you would've expected. To me, it doesn't matter in the least what the calendar says. What matter is what the ovulation predictor and the PH test strips say. I find it much preferable to use technology for the answers rather than other external things which are fun but are not based on science.
I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender. You'll find: step by step instructions; information on PH testers; resources for determining ovulation times (and examples of good saliva and ovulation predictors;) resources for douche recipes and food PH lists; information on when to conceive; and support.
If you want a girl baby, check out http://conceive-a-girl-baby.com/
If you want a boy baby, check out http://conceive-a-boy-baby.com/