Banishing Time and Space - Here and Now
We are connecting at this point in time, me writing and you reading.
It is like a time machine because you are focusing on the past and I am focusing on the future, yet we are meeting in the present.
It is the present for you and it is the present for me.
Could it be that there is only the present and no past or future? I seek a common thread weaving through the events that I observe and experience, a thread common to both your life and mine.
This way we can both learn something, you from me and me from you.
How will I learn from you? Ah, that is part of the mystery of living in the eternal present.
I think about you as a distillation from my own thoughts.
You think about me as an impression experienced through the filter of your own mind.
What you perceive of me is colored by your own view of the world.
It is a unique perception you have of me.
My perception of you might seem to be a hazy one.
In my mind your physical form is a kind of conglomeration of the forms of many.
I'm sorry.
I can only pick out the physical you once in a while as I am writing, when there is something particularly relevant to you as an individual.
Primarily I am aware of you as a thought or feeling, as a tendency, as an inner connection that we have.
My truest image of you is when we connect clearly on this page, when I am able to say something relevant, knowing that you are perceiving it in a way similar to how I am expressing it.
In those cases I can't feel that it is I writing and you reading, but rather that we are expressing together, based on our common need to find relevance, truth, wisdom, joy, and love.
These are the things that are worthwhile in life.
So together we seek to approach these deeper meanings in life that we feel are there.
We are in this together due to the mere fact that you are reading.
I am reading too in a sense.
I did not know what I would write today, nor do I any day, in detail at least.
It is a process of discovery for both you and me.
So we are both reading or experiencing the thoughts that are manifesting as concepts, ideas, and discoveries.
It is being revealed to us together.
What do we care for time, the concept that you are in your time and I in mine? We are together in time, right at this time because we are mutually discovering and being caressed by an approach to truth.
May it come to pass that we can move more and more in that direction.
If you were not reading then we would not be sharing, at least not through the medium of this page.
The important thing is that we are sharing.
I behold you in the vastness of universal thought.
That is my conduit of awareness of you.
In that universal vastness there is a unified resonance of being from which I draw those things of value that I am setting down here.
Likewise, you are finding me within that universal vastness of thought and being.
I might seem to be coming to you from printed words on a page or a computer screen.
But actually I am within the bounds of your conceptualization.
I am to be found within the compass of your own awareness, your own being.
I manifest to your awareness through your own inner consciousness.
I am aware of you that way too, through my inner awareness.
We draw from the same well of expression of reality, of what is.
So for us there is no time, no separation in a deeper sense.
What we can share and experience here is good.
The place of attainment, of these words that we are experiencing together, is a place of continuous and abundant supply of all things that we crave for our well-being.
By looking in this direction, an inward direction, we can surely discover the source of our beings, the land from which emanates our sense of I-ness.
This I-ness is also oneness.
It includes each of us in our original unity.
So you can see that we have much in common, and essentially no diversity in goal or worthiness.
I become aware that anything I perceive comes to me from the inner all-knowingness, the same place from which your response to me is coming.
So you get a suggestion from there to give to me, and I also receive the suggestion from there.
Another aspect of this space-time upgrade that we are developing/perceiving together is that the "there" I have just referred to is actually the "here".
If that were not the case it would be hard to understand how we both could be tapping it "at the same time".
This means, of course, that you and I are not separated in space either.
That is only an illusion.
In order for creation (as we know it) to exist, there has to be an illusion of separateness in both space and time.
You might say that separation is a mental construct.
There is an apparent screen of separation between all the parts of creation.
A merging or unity occurs when we are able to remove the screen dividing us from our source of being, inspiration, and loving support.
We are going about our daily lives as actors on a stage.
A large part of our focus is on the characters we are playing.
Sometime the play will be over and we will have to remember who we are apart from our characters.
As we can see, it is possible to begin the process of remembering now.
And the fun is that now we are starting to unravel the mystery, and we don't have to wait until some distant future to get a good glimpse of our true nature.
You can see that we have begun the process, and I think we can see the real possibility of that process continuing.
There is no limit here, even if one of us is dead at the moment.
Let's see, which one of us would that be? Probably me I guess, though I don't like to admit it, and I certainly don't feel very dead just now.
Or do I? So what's the difference anyway-dead or alive? Of course it could be you that's dead, but then you would not be reading this now, would you? Or would you?
It is like a time machine because you are focusing on the past and I am focusing on the future, yet we are meeting in the present.
It is the present for you and it is the present for me.
Could it be that there is only the present and no past or future? I seek a common thread weaving through the events that I observe and experience, a thread common to both your life and mine.
This way we can both learn something, you from me and me from you.
How will I learn from you? Ah, that is part of the mystery of living in the eternal present.
I think about you as a distillation from my own thoughts.
You think about me as an impression experienced through the filter of your own mind.
What you perceive of me is colored by your own view of the world.
It is a unique perception you have of me.
My perception of you might seem to be a hazy one.
In my mind your physical form is a kind of conglomeration of the forms of many.
I'm sorry.
I can only pick out the physical you once in a while as I am writing, when there is something particularly relevant to you as an individual.
Primarily I am aware of you as a thought or feeling, as a tendency, as an inner connection that we have.
My truest image of you is when we connect clearly on this page, when I am able to say something relevant, knowing that you are perceiving it in a way similar to how I am expressing it.
In those cases I can't feel that it is I writing and you reading, but rather that we are expressing together, based on our common need to find relevance, truth, wisdom, joy, and love.
These are the things that are worthwhile in life.
So together we seek to approach these deeper meanings in life that we feel are there.
We are in this together due to the mere fact that you are reading.
I am reading too in a sense.
I did not know what I would write today, nor do I any day, in detail at least.
It is a process of discovery for both you and me.
So we are both reading or experiencing the thoughts that are manifesting as concepts, ideas, and discoveries.
It is being revealed to us together.
What do we care for time, the concept that you are in your time and I in mine? We are together in time, right at this time because we are mutually discovering and being caressed by an approach to truth.
May it come to pass that we can move more and more in that direction.
If you were not reading then we would not be sharing, at least not through the medium of this page.
The important thing is that we are sharing.
I behold you in the vastness of universal thought.
That is my conduit of awareness of you.
In that universal vastness there is a unified resonance of being from which I draw those things of value that I am setting down here.
Likewise, you are finding me within that universal vastness of thought and being.
I might seem to be coming to you from printed words on a page or a computer screen.
But actually I am within the bounds of your conceptualization.
I am to be found within the compass of your own awareness, your own being.
I manifest to your awareness through your own inner consciousness.
I am aware of you that way too, through my inner awareness.
We draw from the same well of expression of reality, of what is.
So for us there is no time, no separation in a deeper sense.
What we can share and experience here is good.
The place of attainment, of these words that we are experiencing together, is a place of continuous and abundant supply of all things that we crave for our well-being.
By looking in this direction, an inward direction, we can surely discover the source of our beings, the land from which emanates our sense of I-ness.
This I-ness is also oneness.
It includes each of us in our original unity.
So you can see that we have much in common, and essentially no diversity in goal or worthiness.
I become aware that anything I perceive comes to me from the inner all-knowingness, the same place from which your response to me is coming.
So you get a suggestion from there to give to me, and I also receive the suggestion from there.
Another aspect of this space-time upgrade that we are developing/perceiving together is that the "there" I have just referred to is actually the "here".
If that were not the case it would be hard to understand how we both could be tapping it "at the same time".
This means, of course, that you and I are not separated in space either.
That is only an illusion.
In order for creation (as we know it) to exist, there has to be an illusion of separateness in both space and time.
You might say that separation is a mental construct.
There is an apparent screen of separation between all the parts of creation.
A merging or unity occurs when we are able to remove the screen dividing us from our source of being, inspiration, and loving support.
We are going about our daily lives as actors on a stage.
A large part of our focus is on the characters we are playing.
Sometime the play will be over and we will have to remember who we are apart from our characters.
As we can see, it is possible to begin the process of remembering now.
And the fun is that now we are starting to unravel the mystery, and we don't have to wait until some distant future to get a good glimpse of our true nature.
You can see that we have begun the process, and I think we can see the real possibility of that process continuing.
There is no limit here, even if one of us is dead at the moment.
Let's see, which one of us would that be? Probably me I guess, though I don't like to admit it, and I certainly don't feel very dead just now.
Or do I? So what's the difference anyway-dead or alive? Of course it could be you that's dead, but then you would not be reading this now, would you? Or would you?