3 Twitter Tips For Marketing on Twitter
When it comes to marketing on Twitter, you need to be very careful not to be considered a Twitter spammer.
You should not post a link to your sales page with every tweet.
To help you to succeed at using Twitter for your business I have put together the top 3 Twitter marketing tips to help you gain loyal followers.
Remember that we are all Twitters and we need to build a relationship with one another.
You should not post a link to your sales page with every tweet.
To help you to succeed at using Twitter for your business I have put together the top 3 Twitter marketing tips to help you gain loyal followers.
- Always post great content.
If you give your followers some great content that they can use they will be more likely to click on your links that are in your tweets.
Make sure that you do not constantly post links to your sales pages.
If you post a link make sure it goes to some good content and add a link to your sales or opt in page from there.
The better the content that you provide your followers the more likely they are to re-tweet your tweets.
This is a great way for your tweets to go viral. - Use your BIO.
Many people overlook their bio on Twitter.
You can provide a link to your website or opt-in page in your Bio.
Give a brief overview of what you do and who you are looking for.
Be as accurate as possible when describing what you do.
If possible you should also add any keywords and keyword phrases into your bio.
Your bio is what people will see when they do a Twitter search for a specific topic or product.
I use my bio to explain what I do and I also point people to my blog where they can find some great high quality content.
- Have fun and be entertaining.
You only have 140 characters to tweet so you need to be very clever to get your message out and your call to action.
If you can post something entertaining that makes people take notice, they may pay more attention to your tweets in the future.
I have so many people posting that I follow that I very seldom get a chance to read more than a couple of tweets here and there.
If a tweet catches my attention, I will click on that person's bio so I can read what all they have been tweeting about.
If I see something really entertaining I will re-tweet it.
The re-tweet is where your tweets can actually go viral by the other Twitters sending out your tweet.
Remember that we are all Twitters and we need to build a relationship with one another.