Antique Prints And Maps Auctions
There is something inherently intriguing about ancient maps. As a child, most of us have played games where we have imagined that we had found a map giving the location of hidden treasure. If only it were true! This may be one of the reasons that many people have a fascination for antique maps. The physical characteristics of the world may not have changed remarkably since map making began, but the political aspects most certainly have. Imagine being in possession of a pre-Columbus map that did not show the Americas correctly, now that would be a truly priceless antique. The technology involved in mapmaking is constantly improving but there is still a desire to own some of the earliest examples of cartography.
Unfortunately, just as there are millions of people who yearn to own a genuine antique map of Columbus's expeditions or of the early astronomers' guides to the stars there are just as many, if not more, people out to pass off a modern map as a genuine artifact. You do need to be extremely careful about researching the authenticity and provenance of these allegedly antique maps. This is undoubtedly the case if you want to purchase one of the more rare examples of cartography. This can only be achieved by hiring experts in the particular era that the map relates to. Many of the earliest maps were drawn on parchment that requires particular care and conditions to prevent it from being destroyed. Only national museums are lucky enough to house such treasures.
However, the greater majority of us simply want to buy a print of an old map to hang on a wall. We do not want a map because of its financial value but more because of its personal value. This type of print is far more easily obtainable and certainly more affordable. The most popular types of prints are those of maps relating to a city, county or state that family ancestors originated from. These can usually be found relatively easily and are on sale for a reasonable price. Of course, the paper is not going to be ancient parchment or manuscript, but placed in a good frame, they will certainly make conversation pieces at your next dinner party.
Auctions, both online and offline are fast becoming the most popular place to find prints of specific maps. You may also find that there are antique maps for sale if the owner has not sought advice on its genuine value, but that is becoming less common. In summary, you need to decide what price you are prepared to pay for a map, whether it is an original or a print. There is nearly always an option available to suit any budget to enable you to have an interesting piece of history on your wall. By far the best starting point for a new collector is to buy prints of maps, whether regional, global or astral. These can be bought from numerous outlets. Be warned, once you have begun collecting these fascinating pieces of history, you may find it difficult to stop. The only limit to the size and content of your potential collection is the amount of money that you are prepared to spend!
Unfortunately, just as there are millions of people who yearn to own a genuine antique map of Columbus's expeditions or of the early astronomers' guides to the stars there are just as many, if not more, people out to pass off a modern map as a genuine artifact. You do need to be extremely careful about researching the authenticity and provenance of these allegedly antique maps. This is undoubtedly the case if you want to purchase one of the more rare examples of cartography. This can only be achieved by hiring experts in the particular era that the map relates to. Many of the earliest maps were drawn on parchment that requires particular care and conditions to prevent it from being destroyed. Only national museums are lucky enough to house such treasures.
However, the greater majority of us simply want to buy a print of an old map to hang on a wall. We do not want a map because of its financial value but more because of its personal value. This type of print is far more easily obtainable and certainly more affordable. The most popular types of prints are those of maps relating to a city, county or state that family ancestors originated from. These can usually be found relatively easily and are on sale for a reasonable price. Of course, the paper is not going to be ancient parchment or manuscript, but placed in a good frame, they will certainly make conversation pieces at your next dinner party.
Auctions, both online and offline are fast becoming the most popular place to find prints of specific maps. You may also find that there are antique maps for sale if the owner has not sought advice on its genuine value, but that is becoming less common. In summary, you need to decide what price you are prepared to pay for a map, whether it is an original or a print. There is nearly always an option available to suit any budget to enable you to have an interesting piece of history on your wall. By far the best starting point for a new collector is to buy prints of maps, whether regional, global or astral. These can be bought from numerous outlets. Be warned, once you have begun collecting these fascinating pieces of history, you may find it difficult to stop. The only limit to the size and content of your potential collection is the amount of money that you are prepared to spend!