How do I Troubleshoot a Yamaha Virago?
- 1). Check the fuel level in the Virago's fuel tank if the engine has stalled, lost power, or will not start.
- 2). Refill with unleaded gasoline if fuel the levels are inadequate.
- 3). Inspect the gasoline if fuel levels are adequate. If it appears gummy or watery, the fuel may have become stale or contaminated. Take the bike to a dealer to empty the gas tank and refill it with fresh fuel.
- 4). Move to the compression check if fuel levels are adequate and the fuel appears normal.
- 1). Manually check the compression by removing the spark plug caps and spark plugs using a spark plug wrench.
- 2). Insert a compression gauge into one of the cylinders at the spark plug hole.
- 3). Operate the electric starter. Compression pressure levels should be between 140 and 160 pounds.
- 4). Repeat for the other cylinder.
- 5). Take the Virago to a Yamaha dealer for repairs of this system if the compression is significantly less than 140 pounds for either cylinder.
- 1). Check the electrodes on the spark plugs.
- 2). Take the Virago to the shop if the electrodes are dry, as this is an indication that more serious repairs are needed.
- 3). Dry the electrodes with a cloth if they are wet before proceeding to the next step.
- 4). Replace the spark plugs with NGK C6HSA or DENSO U20FS-U plugs if either is damaged.
- 5). Set the spark plug gap for each spark plug between 0.024 and 0.028 inches.
- 6). Open the throttle half way and use the electric starter. If the engine still won't start, move on to the battery check.
- 1). Use the starter and listen for engine turn over. If it turns over quickly, the battery is working properly.
- 2). Check and tighten all loose battery connections with a wrench if the engine turns over slowly.
- 3). Charge the battery to 12 volts. If the engine still turns over slowly, replace with a 12 volt, 14 ampere-hour battery.
- 4). Operate the starter. Take the Virago to the shop if the engine continues to turn over slowly.
Fuel System