(literary preposition) except, apart from, save
Rien n'est sacré, hormis l'amour - Nothing is sacred, except love
Tous les enfants, hormis Émile, pleurèrent en voyant l'accident - All of the children, save Émile, cried when they saw the accident
Synonym: hors (normal register)
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [uhr mee]
(literary preposition) except, apart from, save
Rien n'est sacré, hormis l'amour - Nothing is sacred, except love
Tous les enfants, hormis Émile, pleurèrent en voyant l'accident - All of the children, save Émile, cried when they saw the accident
Synonym: hors (normal register)
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [uhr mee]