Eczema Natural Treatment: How to Get Rid of Atopic Dermatitis
The itching and discomfort of eczema is very frustrating and the fear of it recurring when you are finally clear is a common concern. Stress can aggravate both itching and a rash so it's important to have tools such as calming cds, comedy dvds and meditation to try to distract yourself while this is resolving.
When you take a shower, don't use very hot water. Dermatolgists recommend luke warm temperature. Many soaps can cause reactions so stick with a non-allergenic soap such as dove for sensitive skin. When you get out of the shower pat your skin dry and don't rub it. Immediately apply moisturizer. I use ones from the health food store with neem oil and no alcohol.
Taking omega 3 is good for your skin as is b-complex, a multi-vitamin and internally taking olive or safflower oils. Try to cut back on foods that can lead to yeast infections. This can effect the skin negatively. Use a natural deodorant and don't use the strong ones that block all perspiration. The body needs to perspire.
Sun can aggravate eczema for some so be careful about how much time you soak in the sun and protect your skin with a sunscreen for sensitive skin. Moisturizer after being outside, especially if you were in a chlorine pool.
Wear cotton and avoid scratchy clothing like wool. Analyze the detergent to use and try to get one without additives and dyes. It isn't always easy to figure out what is causing these skin rashes so it's best to minimize any possible causes of eczema rashes or dermatitis. For an eczema natural treatment, oatmeal baths are useful and taking juices internally. Many juices contain vitamin A which is useful for skin healing. Don't get discouraged with flare ups but instead continue with your program and see where you may have strayed.
When you take a shower, don't use very hot water. Dermatolgists recommend luke warm temperature. Many soaps can cause reactions so stick with a non-allergenic soap such as dove for sensitive skin. When you get out of the shower pat your skin dry and don't rub it. Immediately apply moisturizer. I use ones from the health food store with neem oil and no alcohol.
Taking omega 3 is good for your skin as is b-complex, a multi-vitamin and internally taking olive or safflower oils. Try to cut back on foods that can lead to yeast infections. This can effect the skin negatively. Use a natural deodorant and don't use the strong ones that block all perspiration. The body needs to perspire.
Sun can aggravate eczema for some so be careful about how much time you soak in the sun and protect your skin with a sunscreen for sensitive skin. Moisturizer after being outside, especially if you were in a chlorine pool.
Wear cotton and avoid scratchy clothing like wool. Analyze the detergent to use and try to get one without additives and dyes. It isn't always easy to figure out what is causing these skin rashes so it's best to minimize any possible causes of eczema rashes or dermatitis. For an eczema natural treatment, oatmeal baths are useful and taking juices internally. Many juices contain vitamin A which is useful for skin healing. Don't get discouraged with flare ups but instead continue with your program and see where you may have strayed.