Can Zinc Help With Acne?
Can Zinc help with acne?
The short answer is Yes.
So, why is it so important in the fight against acne breakouts and how can it help with acne?
Zinc is a mineral and is critical for immune cell production. It is important for our reproductive organs, to ensure healthy prostate glands, in our fight against infections, to maintain a healthy immune system and more. As it also regulates our oil glands' activities, a lack of zinc could mean acne breakouts and blemishes.
On top of that, it is an important mineral for collagen production (for healthy skin) and a vital mineral for proper wound healing (for acne to minimize acne scarring). It has the ability to boost our immune system and has anti-oxidant properties comparable to vitamins A, C and E.
7 signs you are lacking in this mineral:
1. You have white spots on your nails, and your nails are fragile and thin.
2. Hair loss.
3. You have lost your appetite, sense of smell and taste.
4. You catch colds and flu easily.
5. Impotence.
6. Your wounds take a long time to heal.
7. And of course, the dreaded acne.
For children, a lack of zinc could impair growth and make them more susceptible to infections.
One third of the world's population consumes insufficient zinc to be healthy, and zinc deficiency is the fifth leading cause of disease. Poor soil preparation means that in many countries, at least half the crop harvested are produced from zinc deficient soil, which means that food produced from these crops are also lacking in zinc.
There are also other factors that contribute to zinc deficiency:
* Excessive sweating whether through exercise or hard labor.
* Diarrhea.
* Pneumonia
* Kidney disease
* Diabetes
Food that are rich in zinc and that can help with acne includes:
Oysters, soya bean, egg yolk, seafood, meats such as chicken and lamb, mushrooms, sunflower and pumpkin seeds and whole grains.
Taking supplements:
The best way is to take a zinc supplement, but be careful not to exceed a dose of 100 milligrams a day. 15-50 milligrams a day is recommended to help with acne.
Note :
Zinc and iron (if you are also taking iron supplements) should be taken at different times of the day as they prevent proper absorption when taken together.
Zinc and copper level should be 10-1 for optimal balance.
Take zinc supplement with a good multivitamin
The short answer is Yes.
So, why is it so important in the fight against acne breakouts and how can it help with acne?
Zinc is a mineral and is critical for immune cell production. It is important for our reproductive organs, to ensure healthy prostate glands, in our fight against infections, to maintain a healthy immune system and more. As it also regulates our oil glands' activities, a lack of zinc could mean acne breakouts and blemishes.
On top of that, it is an important mineral for collagen production (for healthy skin) and a vital mineral for proper wound healing (for acne to minimize acne scarring). It has the ability to boost our immune system and has anti-oxidant properties comparable to vitamins A, C and E.
7 signs you are lacking in this mineral:
1. You have white spots on your nails, and your nails are fragile and thin.
2. Hair loss.
3. You have lost your appetite, sense of smell and taste.
4. You catch colds and flu easily.
5. Impotence.
6. Your wounds take a long time to heal.
7. And of course, the dreaded acne.
For children, a lack of zinc could impair growth and make them more susceptible to infections.
One third of the world's population consumes insufficient zinc to be healthy, and zinc deficiency is the fifth leading cause of disease. Poor soil preparation means that in many countries, at least half the crop harvested are produced from zinc deficient soil, which means that food produced from these crops are also lacking in zinc.
There are also other factors that contribute to zinc deficiency:
* Excessive sweating whether through exercise or hard labor.
* Diarrhea.
* Pneumonia
* Kidney disease
* Diabetes
Food that are rich in zinc and that can help with acne includes:
Oysters, soya bean, egg yolk, seafood, meats such as chicken and lamb, mushrooms, sunflower and pumpkin seeds and whole grains.
Taking supplements:
The best way is to take a zinc supplement, but be careful not to exceed a dose of 100 milligrams a day. 15-50 milligrams a day is recommended to help with acne.
Note :
Zinc and iron (if you are also taking iron supplements) should be taken at different times of the day as they prevent proper absorption when taken together.
Zinc and copper level should be 10-1 for optimal balance.
Take zinc supplement with a good multivitamin