How to Grow Loofah
- 1). Choose the spot where the plants will go. They need six to eight hours of sun per day. In addition, they'll need sturdy support as they grow. An existing fence will do, but a separate trellis for each plant is better. Install the trellises before planting your loofahs so you don't disturb their roots later.
- 2). Start seeds indoors if you live in a growing zone numbered 6 or lower. If you live in a growing zone numbered 7 or higher, start plants directly in the ground.
Start loofahs indoors in pots that are 6 to 8 inches deep and a light seed-starting soil mix. Plant two or three seeds per pot, then thin to the sturdiest seedling after they've gotten their second set of leaves. Use scissors to snip the stems of the seedlings you're discarding to avoid disturbing the soil. - 3). Prepare the garden site by digging in plenty of compost. Plant either previously started plants or seeds in the garden only after danger of frost has passed.
Space seedlings started indoors about 3 feet apart in the garden. If you're starting the seeds directly in the soil, plant groups of three or four seeds 3 feet apart from each other. After the seedlings appear, thin each group following the directions in step 2. - 4). Mulch the plants to discourage weeds and keep the soil moist. Water them if you don't get at least an inch of rain a week, and feed them every two weeks using an organic 4-2-3 fertilizer. (The numbers will be on the label and refer to the amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the fertilizer.)
Bees will take care of fertilization for you after the blossoms form. A gourd will start at the base of each fertilized blossom, with the flower itself falling off.
The gourds start very heavy and lighten as they mature. - 5). Harvest your loofahs after the skin turns from green to brown or yellow. A ripe loofah will feel light if you heft it, and if you shake it you'll hear the seeds rattling inside. Cut each gourd from the vine.
- 6). Prepare the loofahs for use by peeling them and removing the seeds. The easiest way to get started is to slam the gourd against a hard surface. This will loosen the peel and the seeds. Before peeling, cut off the bottom end of the gourd and shake out the seeds. To peel, find a loose spot in the skin and dig in there with your thumbnail to get started, then pull off the rest of the skin. Dry out some of the seeds and store them in a cool, dry place to grow next year.
- 7). Use a strong blast of water from the hose to clean the peeled loofah and to remove the rest of the seeds. Let the loofahs dry thoroughly in the sun before using, rotating them as they dry. Store loofahs in a clean, dry spot until you want to use them.