Natural Pregnancy - Male Infertility
Contrary to popular belief, infertility is not just a woman's problem. In fact, it strikes men and women almost equally. More people all around the world now realise, how big of a problem male infertility really is and the effects it has on a good happy relationship and a healthy natural pregnancy. About 32 per cent of cases can be attributed to men, another 32 per cent to women, and 17 per cent to a combination of factors affecting both partners. This leaves about 19 per cent of couples where the cause of infertility remains unexplained.
Male infertility is linked to the following factors:
One of the reasons for male infertility is usually defective sperm or a problem with delivering the sperm to the vagina. Also problems with the number or quality of sperm produced stop many couples from becoming pregnant.
Sperm may be defective in:
Quantity - if there are fewer than 20 million sperm per millilitre of ejaculate, the sperm count is said to be low.
Motility - at least 40 per cent of the sperm count should be moving in a healthy sample.
Normally - the sperm should not be deformed.
Stress and fatique may adversely affect a man's sperm count and the quality of the sperm he produces. Couples who have trouble conceiving typically look to IVF programs for help, often without a thorough investigation of the man. IVF programs bypass male fertility problems.
The Chinese call ginseng the man-root,and consider it an all-round stimulant. There have been a couple of small trials of its use in impotence, both of which came up with a success rate of around 60%. Ginseng is thought to work by dilating blood vessels, boosting blood supply to the penis and stimulating areas of the brain involved with sexual function. For younger men, milder tonics can be just as effective. Traditional Chinese herbalist says, impotence sometimes results from a yang deficiency, and the answer is one of the great tonic herbs. Panax ginseng is the most stimulating of them all. It is mainly given to the elderly men, with severe potency problems, however age does not matter as long as the system is fit and healthy.
For male infertility, Chinese medicine can help improve the quantity and quality of the sperm by correcting the imbalance and improving the physique with herbs and acupuncture. If it is a healthy natural pregnancy you and your partner, are looking for and you are not eating well and not looking after yourself, you decrease the chances of falling pregnant by over half. Don't expect herbs to work miracles. If you're run down from the lack of fresh air and exercise, or not enough relaxation and sleep, or if your health is being steadily undermined by a daily diet of junk food, heavily processed food, excess alcohol, the most skillfully prescribed herbal medicine in the world won't be able to fix things for you.
Male infertility is linked to the following factors:
- History of orchitis or epididymitis in males
- Abnormal semen: decreased sperm counts, failure of sperm maturation, increased viscosity of sperm
- Mumps in men
- Chromosomal abnormalities
- Varicocele in men
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Cryptorchidism(when testicles have not descended into the scrotum after birth)
One of the reasons for male infertility is usually defective sperm or a problem with delivering the sperm to the vagina. Also problems with the number or quality of sperm produced stop many couples from becoming pregnant.
Sperm may be defective in:
Quantity - if there are fewer than 20 million sperm per millilitre of ejaculate, the sperm count is said to be low.
Motility - at least 40 per cent of the sperm count should be moving in a healthy sample.
Normally - the sperm should not be deformed.
Stress and fatique may adversely affect a man's sperm count and the quality of the sperm he produces. Couples who have trouble conceiving typically look to IVF programs for help, often without a thorough investigation of the man. IVF programs bypass male fertility problems.
The Chinese call ginseng the man-root,and consider it an all-round stimulant. There have been a couple of small trials of its use in impotence, both of which came up with a success rate of around 60%. Ginseng is thought to work by dilating blood vessels, boosting blood supply to the penis and stimulating areas of the brain involved with sexual function. For younger men, milder tonics can be just as effective. Traditional Chinese herbalist says, impotence sometimes results from a yang deficiency, and the answer is one of the great tonic herbs. Panax ginseng is the most stimulating of them all. It is mainly given to the elderly men, with severe potency problems, however age does not matter as long as the system is fit and healthy.
For male infertility, Chinese medicine can help improve the quantity and quality of the sperm by correcting the imbalance and improving the physique with herbs and acupuncture. If it is a healthy natural pregnancy you and your partner, are looking for and you are not eating well and not looking after yourself, you decrease the chances of falling pregnant by over half. Don't expect herbs to work miracles. If you're run down from the lack of fresh air and exercise, or not enough relaxation and sleep, or if your health is being steadily undermined by a daily diet of junk food, heavily processed food, excess alcohol, the most skillfully prescribed herbal medicine in the world won't be able to fix things for you.