Acne Stages - Are You in the Mild, Moderate, Or Severe Level?
There are 3 stages in acne: mild, moderate and severe.
The mild to moderate forms of acne can be treated using facial wash, facial cleansers, astringents and other products containing Benzoyl Peroxide and the likes.
No matter the stage of acne, proper care and cleansing is necessary so regular washing, preferably once in the morning and once at night is advised.
Acne is graded by dermatologists to be mild if there are no more than 36 comedones or papules scattered on the patient's face, with no lesions or lesions that are minimal.
Even infants can be diagnosed to having mild acne.
This is nothing to be worried about, everybody can have this and everyone can experience having mild acne at least once in their life.
Mild acne can be found on people ages 0 to 99.
Mild acne can be found not just on the face but also on the neck, back, arms, thighs, chest and shoulders.
Acne is graded to be moderate if the patient has red lesions and more than 36 comedones or pustules (not papules).
Comedones and pustules can be inflamed and they are visible even at 2.
5 meters away.
This type of acne can also be found in babies and older people but the chances are small.
Moderate acne is usually experienced by teenagers.
Severe acne is classified by having lots of comedones and pustules all over the face and neck.
These are large pustules and they can be very painful.
If you have severe acne, better ask for a dermatologist's help as usual facial wash may not help.
Severe acne is usually treated with oral medications as prescribed by the dermatologists.
This is the type of acne that causes severe depression to teenagers and may result to low self-esteem.
Their face can be covered with pustules containing pus and this is obvious they feel bad and rejected, knowing others are easily disgusted by this sight.
If you are suffering from acne, do you know your acne stage? In any case, a proper acne treatment is required.
While some stages can be very well treated with natural acne treatments, severe stages will require a professional advice, and maybe a change in your lifestyle and diet.
Some people have success with home remedies, others use popular acne products available on the market that offer a complete solution, generally following a cleansing, preparation and treatment and protection process.
Topical treatments, gels and lotions are not the only acne products.
Skin care supplements also become part of an effective treatment, they balance your body from the inside, to attack acne at it roots.
New technologies are also gaining more exposure, such as LED light therapy devices that you can find in spas and dermatologists office, and also available for home use.
The mild to moderate forms of acne can be treated using facial wash, facial cleansers, astringents and other products containing Benzoyl Peroxide and the likes.
No matter the stage of acne, proper care and cleansing is necessary so regular washing, preferably once in the morning and once at night is advised.
Acne is graded by dermatologists to be mild if there are no more than 36 comedones or papules scattered on the patient's face, with no lesions or lesions that are minimal.
Even infants can be diagnosed to having mild acne.
This is nothing to be worried about, everybody can have this and everyone can experience having mild acne at least once in their life.
Mild acne can be found on people ages 0 to 99.
Mild acne can be found not just on the face but also on the neck, back, arms, thighs, chest and shoulders.
Acne is graded to be moderate if the patient has red lesions and more than 36 comedones or pustules (not papules).
Comedones and pustules can be inflamed and they are visible even at 2.
5 meters away.
This type of acne can also be found in babies and older people but the chances are small.
Moderate acne is usually experienced by teenagers.
Severe acne is classified by having lots of comedones and pustules all over the face and neck.
These are large pustules and they can be very painful.
If you have severe acne, better ask for a dermatologist's help as usual facial wash may not help.
Severe acne is usually treated with oral medications as prescribed by the dermatologists.
This is the type of acne that causes severe depression to teenagers and may result to low self-esteem.
Their face can be covered with pustules containing pus and this is obvious they feel bad and rejected, knowing others are easily disgusted by this sight.
If you are suffering from acne, do you know your acne stage? In any case, a proper acne treatment is required.
While some stages can be very well treated with natural acne treatments, severe stages will require a professional advice, and maybe a change in your lifestyle and diet.
Some people have success with home remedies, others use popular acne products available on the market that offer a complete solution, generally following a cleansing, preparation and treatment and protection process.
Topical treatments, gels and lotions are not the only acne products.
Skin care supplements also become part of an effective treatment, they balance your body from the inside, to attack acne at it roots.
New technologies are also gaining more exposure, such as LED light therapy devices that you can find in spas and dermatologists office, and also available for home use.