Can I Join an AFROTC After Separating From Active Duty?
- If you are interested in joining the AFROTC and are currently on active duty, you must prepare for the fitness, medical and physical requirements to join. This will be especially important if your active duty station does not require a great deal of physical fitness, as in the case of a desk job assignment. It is a good idea to maintain optimal fitness while finishing your enlisted duty. You will be tested with push-ups, crunches and distance runs to gain admittance. Once you are a member of AFROTC, you will be tested on these measures every fall and spring while in college.
- If you are interested in going into the AFROTC to gain commission as an officer, you should look into applying for a scholarship. The Air Force offers a $15,000-per-year scholarship for you to complete your commission. If you have at least one year on active duty and can complete your college education in two years or less, you mght qualify for an early release from active duty to enter AFROTC and pursue a commission as an Air Force officer.
- If you are unsure or not interested in officer commission, you will have to apply to AFROTC on your own after discharge. As former active duty you cannot join AFROTC unless you are a full-time college student. Your first step is to gain admittance to a college that offers AFROTC. After that you can apply to AFROTC. If admitted, you will begin with the general military course segment of the program. Depending on your time served, these courses might be credited. In addition to your college courses you will be required to complete aerospace studies courses. You must pass all leadership laboratory classes and your overall grade point average must never fall below a cumulative 2.5 out of 4.0 points.
- Once you have completed your general military courses and have progressed into your junior year in college, you will become eligible to attend professional officer courses. If you completed two years of college before joining active duty you will be eligible after discharge to return to college and enter the professional officer course program. GPA requirements vary, based on if you are on an AFROTC scholarship seeking an officer commission. Check with your scholarship administrator to make sure you are compliant.
Physical Fitness
Scholarship Opportunities
General Military Courses
Professional Officer Courses