How to Speak English at Home
- 1). Review English flashcards throughout the day. Read each flashcard out loud several times to practice your pronunciation of the word or phrase. English flashcards are available online or in paper format. You may purchase English flashcards at bookstores or, if you prefer, you can make your own. For each word you review, attempt to formulate a sentence using that word.
- 2). Listen to English radio, podcasts or CDs throughout the day. Respond accordingly to questions asked by the broadcast. Repeat each sentence or phrase out loud and, when applicable, attempt to formulate a response to questions posed.
- 3). Write English words on index cards or sheets of colorful paper. Tape the papers on walls around your house in places where you will see them often. Every time you pass an English word in your house, read it out loud and use it in a sentence. Try to use the word in several types of sentences. For example, if the word is "chair," you could use it in a statement, such as, "I enjoy sitting in comfortable chairs." You could also use the word as a question, such as, "Would you like to sit in a chair?"
- 4). Use English words while conversing with neighbors, family members or friends. Even if your companions do not speak English fluently, use English greetings and other common English phrases throughout the visit. While speaking in your native tongue, if you remember the English equivalent of a word, use it. If your friend does not understand, you will have the opportunity to explain the definition and usage of the English word, which awards you more practice.
- 5). Sing songs in English. Select a variety of English music to listen to at home. Download free English learning songs online or simply listen to the radio. Some songs are specifically designed to increase your English speaking skills, but even popular English music will benefit you through immersion in cultural and grammatical English trends.
- 6). Challenge family members to tell a brief story in English each day. After each person shares their story or experience from the day, ask a question to prompt even further discussion in English. If someone uses a word or phrase you are unfamiliar with, ask them to explain it to you. Later, create a flashcard for each new word you learned to remember your fresh vocabulary.