Optimum Nutrition- The Path to Greater Health
Everyone has different bodies, mental attitudes, eating and exercising goals so optimum nutrition really varies from person to person.
However, if you are one of the dedicated people who is looking for near perfection in health, optimum nutrition would mean a perfect balance between the food you eat and the amount you exercise.
This balance would have you burning the calories you eat from food throughout your day at a rate where none of them would be left over to turn into fat.
Don't Try To achieve Zero Body Fat The body must have a minimum amount of body fat; at least one to three percent.
This fat is needed in the case that you become ill and can't ingest food so don't become obsessed with optimum nutrition.
What is important is that you take a look at how you feel because if you feel good most of the time chances are you are close to achieving optimum nutrition for yourself already.
However, if you feel bad a lot (tired, depressed, stressed, anxious etc.
) than you need to change your exercising habits and diet in order to achieve optimum nutrition.
What Is A Good Body Fat Percentage? If you want to look slim, healthy and athletic try to keep your percentage of body fat under 10%.
Anyone with less than 10% body fat is doing a good job maintaining proper weight and optimum nutrition.
How Do I Do That? By matching your food intake with your current level of exercise.
Obviously this takes work as regular exercise is required to speed up your metabolism.
A good amount of exercise to achieve low body fat would be one hour a day, 5-6 days a week.
This exercise should include strength training (the best way to increase metabolism) as well as aerobic exercises (fat burning) such as walking, jogging or biking.
You also need to become educated on the health benefits of eating organic food form your local health food store.
Optimum nutrition and the word "organic" go hand in hand.
You simply cannot and will not ever achieve optimum nutrition if you eat "regular" processed food from the grocery store.
Optimum nutrition is achieved through a diet that consists primarily of organic vegetables, fruits, and nuts (meat if you choose).
Processed food from the grocery store is loaded with chemicals and preservatives that are addictive and cause massive weight gain.
Simply do a Google search and you will find all the info you need as to why eating organic is healthier and will keep the fat off of your body.
Mental Attitude To achieve optimum nutrition you have to have the right mindset.
Fist of all you have to want great health, or to feel really good.
This wanting, if strong enough will enable you to take action, such as educating yourself and making the right choices when it comes to your diet.
Optimum nutrition is not something you achieve only to fall back into your old habits.
Attaining optimum nutrition takes a serious and consistent dedication to your own health and wellness.
However, if you are one of the dedicated people who is looking for near perfection in health, optimum nutrition would mean a perfect balance between the food you eat and the amount you exercise.
This balance would have you burning the calories you eat from food throughout your day at a rate where none of them would be left over to turn into fat.
Don't Try To achieve Zero Body Fat The body must have a minimum amount of body fat; at least one to three percent.
This fat is needed in the case that you become ill and can't ingest food so don't become obsessed with optimum nutrition.
What is important is that you take a look at how you feel because if you feel good most of the time chances are you are close to achieving optimum nutrition for yourself already.
However, if you feel bad a lot (tired, depressed, stressed, anxious etc.
) than you need to change your exercising habits and diet in order to achieve optimum nutrition.
What Is A Good Body Fat Percentage? If you want to look slim, healthy and athletic try to keep your percentage of body fat under 10%.
Anyone with less than 10% body fat is doing a good job maintaining proper weight and optimum nutrition.
How Do I Do That? By matching your food intake with your current level of exercise.
Obviously this takes work as regular exercise is required to speed up your metabolism.
A good amount of exercise to achieve low body fat would be one hour a day, 5-6 days a week.
This exercise should include strength training (the best way to increase metabolism) as well as aerobic exercises (fat burning) such as walking, jogging or biking.
You also need to become educated on the health benefits of eating organic food form your local health food store.
Optimum nutrition and the word "organic" go hand in hand.
You simply cannot and will not ever achieve optimum nutrition if you eat "regular" processed food from the grocery store.
Optimum nutrition is achieved through a diet that consists primarily of organic vegetables, fruits, and nuts (meat if you choose).
Processed food from the grocery store is loaded with chemicals and preservatives that are addictive and cause massive weight gain.
Simply do a Google search and you will find all the info you need as to why eating organic is healthier and will keep the fat off of your body.
Mental Attitude To achieve optimum nutrition you have to have the right mindset.
Fist of all you have to want great health, or to feel really good.
This wanting, if strong enough will enable you to take action, such as educating yourself and making the right choices when it comes to your diet.
Optimum nutrition is not something you achieve only to fall back into your old habits.
Attaining optimum nutrition takes a serious and consistent dedication to your own health and wellness.