How to Grow Dwarf Jade
- 1). Place the dwarf jade in a sunny window that faces to the south or west. The leaves should be kept 2 to 3 inches from the window. During the summer when the temperature remains above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, place the plant in a sunny location outdoors.
- 2). Grow indoors during the colder months and place the dwarf jade plant in a room where the temperature stays above 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
- 3). Check the soil of the dwarf jade for moisture. If the soil feels dry, water the dwarf jade. Do not over water the dwarf jade or the roots will rot.
- 4). Wash the leaves of the dwarf jade to remove dust and dirt. While the plant is outdoors, gently spray the leaves clean with the hose. If the plant is indoors, you can wash the leaves by placing the plant in the shower.
- 5). Feed the dwarf jade in the spring with a slow release 10-10-10 fertilizer in the spring. Fertilize according to label directions.
- 6). Transplant the dwarf jade every two to three years in a bonsai soil mix or other mix that is well-draining. Choose a pot that is 1 to 2 inches wider than its current pot. Transplant the dwarf jade while the soil is dry. Do not water the dwarf jade plant until you see new growth. After transplanting, grow the dwarf jade in a semi-shaded location until new growth appears.
- 7). Prune the dwarf jade by cutting out the unwanted growth with pruning shears. Remove any dead leaves or branches.
- 8). Take plants outdoors if the weather is warm or put them in the sink to wash away pests like mealy bugs and aphids with the garden hose or kitchen sprayer. If your dwarf jade has scale, wet a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol and gently wash the area to remove the scales. You may use a pesticide, but choose one that does not have a petroleum base or you will kill the dwarf jade.