Chlamydia Trachomatis
Chlamydia is caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis and recently this sexually transmitted disease (STD) is causing a great concern throughout the world, with 2,800,000 people suffering from the disease each year in United States.
The infections are not known earlier because it doesn't show any symptoms.
The bacterium especially attacks women and is mostly curable.
Treatment of this STD should be done as fast as possible to avoid infertility in both men and women.
Chlamydia is also sometimes referred to as Clamidia, Chalmidia or Clamydia.
The sexual infection passes from one person to another through sexual intercourse or any type of sexual contact.
A baby can get infected through the mother during childbirth, and it can lead to some serious problems in baby like eye or respiratory problem.
Chlamydia can also happen in men with common symptoms like fever, pain, abnormal discharge from penis and sometimes sterility.
If you sense that you have contracted STD, then immediately consult a doctor for related test.
Sexually active men and women in particular should care more as they have more chances of having STD's.
Chlamydia can affect women's reproductive capability.
The bacteria moves into endocervix, the path between uterus and vagina, and it gradually spread into upper part of reproductive tract and lead to infertility.
A proper diagnosis can prevent this disease.
Symptoms associated with this STD include painful urination, intercourse, unusual discharge from vagina and bleeding during periods.
It is vital that once you through these symptoms you get testing done at your nearest medical center after consulting doctor.
The infections are not known earlier because it doesn't show any symptoms.
The bacterium especially attacks women and is mostly curable.
Treatment of this STD should be done as fast as possible to avoid infertility in both men and women.
Chlamydia is also sometimes referred to as Clamidia, Chalmidia or Clamydia.
The sexual infection passes from one person to another through sexual intercourse or any type of sexual contact.
A baby can get infected through the mother during childbirth, and it can lead to some serious problems in baby like eye or respiratory problem.
Chlamydia can also happen in men with common symptoms like fever, pain, abnormal discharge from penis and sometimes sterility.
If you sense that you have contracted STD, then immediately consult a doctor for related test.
Sexually active men and women in particular should care more as they have more chances of having STD's.
Chlamydia can affect women's reproductive capability.
The bacteria moves into endocervix, the path between uterus and vagina, and it gradually spread into upper part of reproductive tract and lead to infertility.
A proper diagnosis can prevent this disease.
Symptoms associated with this STD include painful urination, intercourse, unusual discharge from vagina and bleeding during periods.
It is vital that once you through these symptoms you get testing done at your nearest medical center after consulting doctor.