Sarah Palin Borderline Baby Boomer
According to some time charts Sarah Palin is at the tail end of being a baby boomer.
She doesn't look like a baby boomer! She doesn't act like a baby boomer! She doesn't talk like a baby boomer. What do you think?
All of us in the baby boomer age range are dealing with many of the same challenges and issues. All of these challenges really start to percolate at about the age of fifty. Where did I put my keys? My waist grew an inch and I gained five pounds from eating nothing. The kids will be moving out soon? Should I start a new business? Should we sell our home? Lets check out our investments to be sure they are safe. Do we have enough money to live a very long time? Those are just a few of the questions we are asking ourselves. We are shedding our bullet proof vests at a rapid rate.
I would venture to say that Sarah is not looking for her keys, though she does drive her own car to work. She is probably pretty organized and her keys are more than likely in the same designated place. She appears to be in great shape and very trim. She is out jogging at all hours of the night, especially in summer where it stays light for many hours. Retirement is a word that is obviously not part of her vocabulary. She, like many baby boomers is thinking about going in a new direction. However her direction is not moving to smaller quarters. Her proposed VP mansion in DC will be large enough to keep her family from running into each other. Often when retiring, people move to warmer climate, or to be with their grown kids. Well, the climate will be warmer than Alaska and could actually be quite hot. And her kids are already with her.
I guess you might say that running for Vice President of the United States could be classified as a career change.
Her kids will be around for a long time, so the empty nest syndrome will not apply. In fact there will be at least one kid around for about eighteen years. There is also the issue of grown kids returning to the nest, and sometimes upon their return bring a little bundle of joy. That possibility lurks in her future. When does she have time to make lunches for her school age kids? Perhaps the older ones do the mundane tasks for the younger ones. It seems a miracle that anyone can govern a state, be a wife and mother, exercise, go
to PTA meetings and find a little time for sleep. I assume she cooks her own dinners, since she fired the cook. Or do you think they fast food it pretty often?
Perhaps we should ask Sarah Palin to join some of our boomer sites since she is pretty much borderline in age. She will be pretty busy the next few months campaigning so she may not have time to add comments and blogs on a daily basis.
Did she mention her views on birth control.? She advocates abstinence...however it did not work to well with her oldest daughter. We all know kids have a mind of their own and will do what suits them even if
mom is Governor of Alaska. Maybe if she had become Vice president before her daughter got pregnant she may have had second thoughts.
We are just going to have to wait for Sarah to fit into the boomer profile. She is just a few years lets ask her to join us again in a few years.
She doesn't look like a baby boomer! She doesn't act like a baby boomer! She doesn't talk like a baby boomer. What do you think?
All of us in the baby boomer age range are dealing with many of the same challenges and issues. All of these challenges really start to percolate at about the age of fifty. Where did I put my keys? My waist grew an inch and I gained five pounds from eating nothing. The kids will be moving out soon? Should I start a new business? Should we sell our home? Lets check out our investments to be sure they are safe. Do we have enough money to live a very long time? Those are just a few of the questions we are asking ourselves. We are shedding our bullet proof vests at a rapid rate.
I would venture to say that Sarah is not looking for her keys, though she does drive her own car to work. She is probably pretty organized and her keys are more than likely in the same designated place. She appears to be in great shape and very trim. She is out jogging at all hours of the night, especially in summer where it stays light for many hours. Retirement is a word that is obviously not part of her vocabulary. She, like many baby boomers is thinking about going in a new direction. However her direction is not moving to smaller quarters. Her proposed VP mansion in DC will be large enough to keep her family from running into each other. Often when retiring, people move to warmer climate, or to be with their grown kids. Well, the climate will be warmer than Alaska and could actually be quite hot. And her kids are already with her.
I guess you might say that running for Vice President of the United States could be classified as a career change.
Her kids will be around for a long time, so the empty nest syndrome will not apply. In fact there will be at least one kid around for about eighteen years. There is also the issue of grown kids returning to the nest, and sometimes upon their return bring a little bundle of joy. That possibility lurks in her future. When does she have time to make lunches for her school age kids? Perhaps the older ones do the mundane tasks for the younger ones. It seems a miracle that anyone can govern a state, be a wife and mother, exercise, go
to PTA meetings and find a little time for sleep. I assume she cooks her own dinners, since she fired the cook. Or do you think they fast food it pretty often?
Perhaps we should ask Sarah Palin to join some of our boomer sites since she is pretty much borderline in age. She will be pretty busy the next few months campaigning so she may not have time to add comments and blogs on a daily basis.
Did she mention her views on birth control.? She advocates abstinence...however it did not work to well with her oldest daughter. We all know kids have a mind of their own and will do what suits them even if
mom is Governor of Alaska. Maybe if she had become Vice president before her daughter got pregnant she may have had second thoughts.
We are just going to have to wait for Sarah to fit into the boomer profile. She is just a few years lets ask her to join us again in a few years.