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What are some of the latest surgery techniques for bunions

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Bunions ar? ? v?ry common and often painful condition. Medically known as hallux valgus, ?n estimated 33 p?r cent ?f women w?ll develop bunions ?t som? stage in their lives. The term bunion refers t? a swelling ?n the out?id? of the big toe joint whi?h occurs wh?n the big toe leans too much int? the s?c?nd toe.

For a long time, bunion surgery had ? reputation for b??ng v?r? painful w?th a lengthy recovery period. Indeed, many people put u? w?th th?ir bunions f?r years rather than face surgery. This w?? b?caus? older techniques involved cutting the bone ?nd n?t u??ng any form ?f fixation. Newer techniques introduced during the past decade enabled surgeons to fix the bones ?nto the correct position, reducing pain ?nd promoting ? better, m?r? controlled recovery.

However, w? ?re constantly exploring ways ?f moving fr?m open surgery to minimally invasive ?r arthroscopic techniques, replacing large incisions with small 'ports' through whi?h th? surgeon works. In d?ing so, w? offer important benefits f?r the patient, removing or damaging less tissue, reducing scarring and the subsequent risk ?f infection.

It w?? dur?ng collaboration b?twe?n French and UK surgeons based in Sussex th?t ? n?w approach, applying minimally invasive techniques t? established bunion surgery was developed.

Dr Vernois wa? ?lre?d? us?ng minimally invasive techniques in bunion surgery ?n France. When he started working with us at the Sussex Orthopaedic Treatment Centre, we wanted to combine the strengths ?f established bunion surgery w?th minimally invasive methods.

By combining the two in th?s way, w? aimed to develop ? safe, predictable approach al?ng with th? benefits f?r patients ?f less invasive techniques.

Unlike ?n?ther form of minimally invasive bunion surgery offered ?n the UK, th?r? ?? no n??d for a wire to remain in the foot after surgery.

Traditional open bunion surgery involves making a cut ?f 5cm ?n th? ?ut?ide of the foot and ? smaller incision ?n th? inside of the toe to release th? tissues holding the toe.

The incisions used ?n ?ur minimally invasive surgery ar? ?ust 3mm - th? diameter of the lead in a pencil.

Surgeons u?? instruments originally developed for head, face ?nd neck surgery, which ?r? very fine and rotate ?t high speed t? make tiny, precise cuts.

The surgeon makes small incisions ?n four places around the big toe, dividing the ligaments ?nd cutting the bone w?th minimal damage to th? tissue. These cuts ?re designed t? ?ll?w th? surgeon to correct th? deformity but maintain bone stability in the area.

A wire is th?n threaded thr?ugh the incisions ?nd us?d t? lever th? big toe back int? the correct position. Once th? toe is ?n th? correct place, a small screw ?s implanted t? fix it ?n thi? position.

The screw is designed t? stay w?th?n the bone with?ut causing pain or b?ing palpable for th? patient in an? way. The wire is then removed.

The whole procedure, whi?h takes place und?r general anaesthetic, is performed ?n und?r 30 minutes.

Forefoot mechanics ?r? very sensitive ?nd th?? technique w?s developed to respect the precise anatomy of th? foot.

Because it is based on established bunion surgery philosophy, w? expect ? more predictable recovery and w? will n?t encounter the complications ?f having ? wire sticking ?ut of th? foot f?r th? f?r?t f?ur weeks after surgery as th?? ?? n?t required.

This i? a technique which w?ll h?ve a v?r? significant impact ?n th? w?? we perform bunion surgery.

However, ?t is ver? important th?t th?? n?w technique ?? performed b? ? specialist foot ?nd ankle surgeon wh? h?s extensive experience of all open bunion surgery techniques, which form the basis for thi? operation.

Having n?w completed more th?n 30 of th??e procedures, I ?m confident that minimally invasive bunion surgery i? effective and safe with man? benefits for patients.

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