What Does Eating Well Mean - A Rich Diet?
Good eating habits are often overlooked. Youngsters resort to caffeine and cola drinks which are good to taste but bad for health if it is had in high quantity. If you are at office and feeling hungry, drinking coffee often is not a solution to energize you. Have small snacks such as chopped fruits or vegetable salad; keep them beside your work station. It not only energizes you but also keeps your health in good condition. Eating well does not necessarily mean sitting down at a table three times a day to a formal meal, which is often incompatible with young people's lifestyles.
What should your breakfast comprise of?
You should start your day by eating well. Your breakfast should comprise of toast, baked beans, fruit, milk or yoghurt, oats, fibre rich but low sugar cereals etc. Oats and cereals give fibre which is very essential for your body. It promotes good digestion. A good serving of Fruits and vegetables is required. Do not forget to add minimum 3 servings of milk, yoghurt or cheese every day. It is advisable not to skip your break fast as it is essential to vitalize your body and keep you energized through out the day. Not eating any thing for break fast and hogging too much of food for lunch is not a good practice.
When you eat excessively, there is a greater pressure on the pancreas to absorb the enzymes. But in the process pancreas gets tired and affects the immune system as well. It results in depletion of enzymes in the body. Eat rightly and in small amount, instead of skipping your meals or break fast.
Nutrient rich foods include bread, whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products, meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods.
Control your weight: Your weight is dependent on factors such as sex, height, age and heredity. Controlling your weight is essential in order to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, some types of cancer and other illnesses. Have healthy weight, consider your height and develop proportionate weight, to remain healthy. Being too thin increases the chance of menstrual irregularities and osteoporosis.
Eat rightly: You must consume cooked meat is 3 ounces, piece of fruit, cup of pasta, milk products such as milk, yoghurt or cheese should be added to your diet on a daily basis.
Plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables: Your fruits and vegetables provide you essential fibre, vitamins and mineral that is required by your body.
Eat regular meals: Eat a good breakfast, an average lunch and very little for dinner. It is advised not to eat excessively before going to sleep. Acidity, heart burn and indigestion are commonly seen if such practices are developed in the night. Instead eat well for break fast.
What should your breakfast comprise of?
You should start your day by eating well. Your breakfast should comprise of toast, baked beans, fruit, milk or yoghurt, oats, fibre rich but low sugar cereals etc. Oats and cereals give fibre which is very essential for your body. It promotes good digestion. A good serving of Fruits and vegetables is required. Do not forget to add minimum 3 servings of milk, yoghurt or cheese every day. It is advisable not to skip your break fast as it is essential to vitalize your body and keep you energized through out the day. Not eating any thing for break fast and hogging too much of food for lunch is not a good practice.
When you eat excessively, there is a greater pressure on the pancreas to absorb the enzymes. But in the process pancreas gets tired and affects the immune system as well. It results in depletion of enzymes in the body. Eat rightly and in small amount, instead of skipping your meals or break fast.
Nutrient rich foods include bread, whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products, meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods.
Control your weight: Your weight is dependent on factors such as sex, height, age and heredity. Controlling your weight is essential in order to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, some types of cancer and other illnesses. Have healthy weight, consider your height and develop proportionate weight, to remain healthy. Being too thin increases the chance of menstrual irregularities and osteoporosis.
Eat rightly: You must consume cooked meat is 3 ounces, piece of fruit, cup of pasta, milk products such as milk, yoghurt or cheese should be added to your diet on a daily basis.
Plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables: Your fruits and vegetables provide you essential fibre, vitamins and mineral that is required by your body.
Eat regular meals: Eat a good breakfast, an average lunch and very little for dinner. It is advised not to eat excessively before going to sleep. Acidity, heart burn and indigestion are commonly seen if such practices are developed in the night. Instead eat well for break fast.