Be Successful With Your New Year Fitness Resolutions
The start of a New Year is also a time when many people make and break their fitness resolutions.
Perhaps you have told yourself this is the year that you will finally get six pack abs but then a week later you found yourself at an all you can eat buffet? Maybe this year you were finally going to quit smoking but then decided to have "just one more packet"? If the above sounds familiar then do not despair.
There is still plenty of time to make your New Year fitness resolutions a success and in this article I will be showing you exactly how.
1) BE REALISTIC:- If you try to quit smoking, give up drinking and completely revamp your diet every year only to find that after a month has passed you have reverted back to your old habits, then maybe you are not being realistic with yourself.
Most people want to change themselves for the better as part of their New Year fitness resolutions but if you take too much on you will almost definitely fail.
So before setting your resolutions sit down and take a look at where you are now and then have a good think about where you can realistically be in a year's time.
Succeeding with small, realistic fitness resolutions each year is much more beneficial than consistently failing to achieve large, unrealistic resolutions.
2) MAKE A PLAN:- Once you have your realistic fitness resolutions in place, the next step is to make a plan.
You have probably heard the old adage; "those who fail to plan, plan to fail" but when it comes to fitness resolutions this is absolutely true.
To be successful you need to have a detailed plan which outlines exactly how you are going to achieve your resolutions.
This plan should start by outlining where you need to be at the end of each month to hit your New Year fitness resolutions.
It should then expand to outline what you are going to do each week to hit this monthly target.
Finally, it should go into more detail on your weekly plans and list specific daily actions.
For example, if your plan is to lose 12 pounds by the end of the year then your monthly target is most likely going to be to lose 1 pound each month (which equates to a deficit of around 3,500 calories).
Your weekly action could then be to burn 400 calories and cut 400 calories from your diet (which adds up to a deficit of 800 calories a week and 3,520 calories a month).
Your specific daily actions could then be to cut out the bag of crisps that you normally eat on Monday and Tuesday (at 200 calories per packet) and do a 20 minute moderate cycling session on Wednesday and Thursday (which will burn 200 calories per session).
3) REVIEW THE PLAN:- Having a plan is a big step towards achieving your New Year fitness resolutions.
However, if you do not review your plan regularly it becomes of little use.
Make some time each week to review your actual progress against the plan and adjust it if necessary.
For example, if you have a good week perhaps you can set your monthly target a little higher.
If you have a bad week, identify exactly where you went wrong and adjust the following week's plans so that it does not happen again.
SUMMARY If you have experienced failure with your New Year fitness resolutions in the past then this is the year where that is going to change.
By putting the actions in this article to work you are giving yourself a huge advantage over most people.
So make sure your resolutions are realistic, put them into a plan and review it regularly to ensure that your New Year fitness resolutions are a roaring success this time around.
Perhaps you have told yourself this is the year that you will finally get six pack abs but then a week later you found yourself at an all you can eat buffet? Maybe this year you were finally going to quit smoking but then decided to have "just one more packet"? If the above sounds familiar then do not despair.
There is still plenty of time to make your New Year fitness resolutions a success and in this article I will be showing you exactly how.
1) BE REALISTIC:- If you try to quit smoking, give up drinking and completely revamp your diet every year only to find that after a month has passed you have reverted back to your old habits, then maybe you are not being realistic with yourself.
Most people want to change themselves for the better as part of their New Year fitness resolutions but if you take too much on you will almost definitely fail.
So before setting your resolutions sit down and take a look at where you are now and then have a good think about where you can realistically be in a year's time.
Succeeding with small, realistic fitness resolutions each year is much more beneficial than consistently failing to achieve large, unrealistic resolutions.
2) MAKE A PLAN:- Once you have your realistic fitness resolutions in place, the next step is to make a plan.
You have probably heard the old adage; "those who fail to plan, plan to fail" but when it comes to fitness resolutions this is absolutely true.
To be successful you need to have a detailed plan which outlines exactly how you are going to achieve your resolutions.
This plan should start by outlining where you need to be at the end of each month to hit your New Year fitness resolutions.
It should then expand to outline what you are going to do each week to hit this monthly target.
Finally, it should go into more detail on your weekly plans and list specific daily actions.
For example, if your plan is to lose 12 pounds by the end of the year then your monthly target is most likely going to be to lose 1 pound each month (which equates to a deficit of around 3,500 calories).
Your weekly action could then be to burn 400 calories and cut 400 calories from your diet (which adds up to a deficit of 800 calories a week and 3,520 calories a month).
Your specific daily actions could then be to cut out the bag of crisps that you normally eat on Monday and Tuesday (at 200 calories per packet) and do a 20 minute moderate cycling session on Wednesday and Thursday (which will burn 200 calories per session).
3) REVIEW THE PLAN:- Having a plan is a big step towards achieving your New Year fitness resolutions.
However, if you do not review your plan regularly it becomes of little use.
Make some time each week to review your actual progress against the plan and adjust it if necessary.
For example, if you have a good week perhaps you can set your monthly target a little higher.
If you have a bad week, identify exactly where you went wrong and adjust the following week's plans so that it does not happen again.
SUMMARY If you have experienced failure with your New Year fitness resolutions in the past then this is the year where that is going to change.
By putting the actions in this article to work you are giving yourself a huge advantage over most people.
So make sure your resolutions are realistic, put them into a plan and review it regularly to ensure that your New Year fitness resolutions are a roaring success this time around.