How to Let a Guy Know You Like Him
Okay, so there is the guy that you have the biggest crush on and you don't know how to get him to feel the same way about you. What you want to know is how to tell a guy you like him, but not make it seem more serious than what it really is, which is a crush. I mean, you would love to see just where things could go with this guy, because you really do think that he is wonderful. But, you don't want to give off the impression that you are already head over heels in love with him, because right now - it is just a crush.
You probably are doing a little more worrying than you have to. Most women find that it is a lot easier to tell a guy that they like him than they imagine it is going to be when they think about it. The mind and the imagination can make you think of all of the worst possible things that could happen if you were to tell a guy that you like him and none of those things usually happen.
Here are some tips on how to let a guy know that you like him:
1) Make sure that you make eye contact with him every now and again.
This is one of those universal signals that at least lets him know that you are aware of him. And, if you can maintain eye contact with him for more than a few seconds, it usually suggests that you might be attracted to him. Don't be so shy that you are afraid to make eye contact with the guy that you like. It is usually an easy first step towards letting him know the way that you feel.
2) Initiate small talk with the guy that you like.
There is nothing wrong with the woman being the one to initiate the conversation and this is another simple and yet, telling way to let a guy know that you like him at least a little bit. Besides, you are going to have to end up talking to him any way, so you might as well be the one to initiate things and most guys are actually glad when a woman does that.
3) Start off with a little bit of flirting, but not too much.
If you don't want to give him the wrong idea and have him think that you are already in love with him, then just tone down the flirting a little bit, but make sure that it is still there. This will also help you to know if the sparks are real or if they were all just in your own head.
You probably are doing a little more worrying than you have to. Most women find that it is a lot easier to tell a guy that they like him than they imagine it is going to be when they think about it. The mind and the imagination can make you think of all of the worst possible things that could happen if you were to tell a guy that you like him and none of those things usually happen.
Here are some tips on how to let a guy know that you like him:
1) Make sure that you make eye contact with him every now and again.
This is one of those universal signals that at least lets him know that you are aware of him. And, if you can maintain eye contact with him for more than a few seconds, it usually suggests that you might be attracted to him. Don't be so shy that you are afraid to make eye contact with the guy that you like. It is usually an easy first step towards letting him know the way that you feel.
2) Initiate small talk with the guy that you like.
There is nothing wrong with the woman being the one to initiate the conversation and this is another simple and yet, telling way to let a guy know that you like him at least a little bit. Besides, you are going to have to end up talking to him any way, so you might as well be the one to initiate things and most guys are actually glad when a woman does that.
3) Start off with a little bit of flirting, but not too much.
If you don't want to give him the wrong idea and have him think that you are already in love with him, then just tone down the flirting a little bit, but make sure that it is still there. This will also help you to know if the sparks are real or if they were all just in your own head.