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The Dos and Don"ts of Using Social Media to Meet Men

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Social media is a great way to meet more men.
But then why are men not asking out women like they used to? Why has everything become so casual? That's because too much contact, not enough mystery and challenge is leaving men bored and unmotivated to ask you out on a proper date! How to avoid this? Read below: Facebook -Always wait for a man to friend you first, and accept 24 to 48 hours later.
-Keep your profile private.
Don't share all your albums, don't check into places, don't let others tag you in photos before reviewing them first.
Express yourself, but retain some mystery.
-Put up only the most flattering photos of yourself.
Make sure you have a face shot and a full body shot.
Untag yourself from unflattering photos.
Limit photos of yourself partying, in bikinis, with drinks in your hand and with other men.
However, being tagged in photos where you look good can be helpful.
You never know if Mr.
Right is looking at those photos.
Remember, less is more.
-Limit your status updates.
No need to tell everyone every detail of your day.
You don't want men to know what you're doing and who you're with all the time.
Men need mystery! Keep your status updates positive and upbeat.
Negative, cynical, boring or depressing updates are a turnoff.
If you're having a bad day, don't post anything! Also stay away from posting status' about love or relationships.
This can come off as looking desperate.
Twitter -Let him follow you first before following him.
Wait 24-48 hours before following him.
-Limit your daily tweets.
Once a day is enough.
-Don't tweet anything about your daily routine (boring!) or anything negative.
Also stay away from tweeting about your relationship or anything related to love and relationships.
Remember, you are a busy dream girl, happily occupied with other things! -Don't go overboard with hash tags.
Online dating websites -Get a good photo.
This is very important.
Remember, a man either likes your look or he doesn't.
He's either attracted to your photo, or he's not.
If he is, then he'll read your profile.
Focus on getting quality photos and putting your best self forward online.
-Keep your profile short and sweet.
Make sure it expresses who you are as a person but don't write a mini novel in there (you don't have to answer all the questions they ask you on the website)! Keep some mystery (men love it).
Don't be negative, cynical, desperate or too heavy in your tone/words.
Don't divulge everything you want in a man or be too revealing or dramatic.
Don't say, "I'm only looking for honest men who don't play games.
" Or, "I'm searching for my soul mate to spend the rest of my life with.
" No, no, no! Be positive and light.
-Let men message you first.
-Ignore winks, pokes, profile views or other meaningless interactions.
They do not give you license to message a man or respond back to him in any way.
These mean nothing to a dream girl.
She yawns when she sees them.
-If a man leaves you his number in his message, reply 24 hours later with, "Thanks, mine is [number].
" Let him call you first.
-Keep your response shorter than his.
For example if he writes you three lines, write one an a half.
This is very subtle, but it works.
-Don't use words like "nurturing," "marriage," "soul mate," "relationship," "commitment," "serious" or anything similar in your profile or in your messages to men (or even in person).
Stay away from these topics in the beginning stages of the relationship.
This scares men off.
-The Rules for Online Dating tells us a man has four interactions with you online to ask you out for a coffee date or for your number.
If he's emailed/messaged you four times or more and still hasn't asked you for your number or to meet, stop answering his messages (he may then ask for your number or to meet).
A man who's interested in dating you (who is truly single) will ask you for your number or ask you out by the four email mark.
This is tried and tested.
For MORE tips on this topic, including the dos and don't of using social media when you are in a committed relationship, as well as first date advice with a man you met online, check out my book coming soon.

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