Are You Afraid To Lose Weight?
Are you afraid to lose weight? Does the thought of changing yourself, your life, or your lifestyle make you fear weight loss? Being afraid of any one of these could derail your weight loss efforts.
Did you know that successful weight loss is under the very thing you are afraid of or afraid to do? What do I mean by that? I mean the very things that you fear, that are holding you back from really wholeheartedly losing weight are most likely the very thing that would give you the breakthrough you need to actually lose the weight if you would deal with them and let them go.
The dictionary defines the word afraid as: being in fear, and fear as: a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc.
, whether the threat is real or imagined.
Notice that, based on the definition of fear, you think whatever you are afraid of is going to cause you some kind of pain, but it may not even happen, it may all just be in your imagination.
So, let's find out what is holding you back.
What do you fear will happen if you lose weight? Let's do an exercise.
Get some paper and a pen and sit down and start listing the things you are afraid of regarding weight loss.
Don't think too hard about it.
Just pose the question to yourself and let the answer(s) flow.
Now, take a look at what you wrote.
Does the fear make sense to you? I don't mean judge it and say it is stupid or not a big deal.
This isn't about the quality of the fear; it is about getting rid of anything, big or small, that may be holding you back from losing weight.
Is the fear true, would it really happen? Let's look at an example.
Let's say you wrote down that you were afraid you would have to buy new clothes if you lost weight.
I'm sure you may be thinking that you would love to buy new clothes, but what if it is really something you deep down fear and you don't even realize it until you do this exercise? What if you can't afford to buy new clothes right now and you have credit card debt, so you don't want to just charge them.
What if you worry about what you would you look like if you had to walk around in your "big" clothes? You may be laughing right now, but you know what? That is a legitimate fear someone may have.
They may have been laughed at as a child for some reason and they would rather be overweight than think they looked ridiculous in their clothes.
Their pain of not being able to buy new clothes could outweigh their pleasure of losing weight.
I know people who are afraid they would lose friends or their spouse if they lost weight because they like them overweight for whatever reason.
Others that are afraid of attention and that someone might ask them out on a date if they lost weight.
These may sound strange, but they are genuine fears, and fears that you may have.
Again, what are you afraid of? Do the exercise.
What do you need to deal with to boost your weight loss efforts? Whatever it is, make sure the pure pleasure of weight loss is greater than the fear you have, the fear that may just be in your imagination, and you will succeed.
Did you know that successful weight loss is under the very thing you are afraid of or afraid to do? What do I mean by that? I mean the very things that you fear, that are holding you back from really wholeheartedly losing weight are most likely the very thing that would give you the breakthrough you need to actually lose the weight if you would deal with them and let them go.
The dictionary defines the word afraid as: being in fear, and fear as: a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc.
, whether the threat is real or imagined.
Notice that, based on the definition of fear, you think whatever you are afraid of is going to cause you some kind of pain, but it may not even happen, it may all just be in your imagination.
So, let's find out what is holding you back.
What do you fear will happen if you lose weight? Let's do an exercise.
Get some paper and a pen and sit down and start listing the things you are afraid of regarding weight loss.
Don't think too hard about it.
Just pose the question to yourself and let the answer(s) flow.
Now, take a look at what you wrote.
Does the fear make sense to you? I don't mean judge it and say it is stupid or not a big deal.
This isn't about the quality of the fear; it is about getting rid of anything, big or small, that may be holding you back from losing weight.
Is the fear true, would it really happen? Let's look at an example.
Let's say you wrote down that you were afraid you would have to buy new clothes if you lost weight.
I'm sure you may be thinking that you would love to buy new clothes, but what if it is really something you deep down fear and you don't even realize it until you do this exercise? What if you can't afford to buy new clothes right now and you have credit card debt, so you don't want to just charge them.
What if you worry about what you would you look like if you had to walk around in your "big" clothes? You may be laughing right now, but you know what? That is a legitimate fear someone may have.
They may have been laughed at as a child for some reason and they would rather be overweight than think they looked ridiculous in their clothes.
Their pain of not being able to buy new clothes could outweigh their pleasure of losing weight.
I know people who are afraid they would lose friends or their spouse if they lost weight because they like them overweight for whatever reason.
Others that are afraid of attention and that someone might ask them out on a date if they lost weight.
These may sound strange, but they are genuine fears, and fears that you may have.
Again, what are you afraid of? Do the exercise.
What do you need to deal with to boost your weight loss efforts? Whatever it is, make sure the pure pleasure of weight loss is greater than the fear you have, the fear that may just be in your imagination, and you will succeed.