Does Penis Enlargement Work? Why the Answer Is Yes and No
A lot of men are suffering from a small-sized penis and erectile dysfunction that made them less empowered, especially during sexual activity.
To relieve their problem, many of these frustrated men used products that promise improved penile length, but do these penis enlargement methods really work? Let's find out.
PILLS Many men regard pills as the ultimate answer to their penile problems, however, these synthetic drugs can cause more side effects than benefits.
Most pills that are out in the market today contain compounds that can give a number of side effects, like light headedness, tremors, night sweating, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and difficulty with coordination.
If you are planning to take penis enlargement pills to improve your size, better consult your physician first to know whether your existing health condition is favorable to receive these drugs.
If you have urinary or digestive problems, your doctor will most likely advise you not to take pills, or you will be recommended to take a lower dose.
EXERCISES Penile exercises, like jelqing, have been practiced for many centuries to improve penile size.
These could be considered as the most effective natural methods to increase the length and girth of the penis.
Moreover, a lot of men have claimed that these exercises have alleviated their erectile dysfunction.
But penile exercises can also cause harm, especially if these are not done properly.
There were some incidences that blood vessels in the penis became clogged up and prolonged and painful erection occurred.
These exercises could also damage the nerves and the soft tissues around the penis.
If you will be performing penis enlargement exercise, be sure that you will do it properly.
Do not grip your penis tightly and do not overdo the routine.
Stop the activity if you feel any resistance or pain.
GELS There are different kinds of gels used to enhance the size of the penis.
There are those that are being applied topically and there are those that are being injected under the skin layers of the penile shaft.
A lot of men, who have been using these gels, claimed that they have improved their penile size, and attained a firmer shaft.
They also achieved a better erection because of an enhanced blood flow.
But gels, like pills, are usually made of synthetic compounds that usually trigger a lot of adverse effects.
Some of gels can even cause allergies and skin disorders.
It is best to consult an expert advice from your doctor before you decide to use penile gels to improve your size.
It also pays to read testimonials from other users to know more about these products.
HERBS For many centuries now, herbs like Ginseng, Licorice, and Nettle Leaves, has been popular remedies of undersized penis.
These were widely used in Asia, Africa, and some parts of Europe and the Americas.
Herbal cures are better compared to drugs that were synthetically prepared, because natural compounds that are found on herbs are usually easily absorbed and eliminated by the body.
Nonetheless, compounds that are found on herbs can also cause adverse effects, but milder compared to what are caused by penis enlargement pills.
Common side effects from herbal remedies are dizziness, drowsiness, malaise and abdominal cramping.
DIET There is no direct study that could link diet with the improvement of penile size; but many think that combining healthy food intake with exercise can result to a better penis enlargement.
Therefore, it pays to consume a good variety of foods for over-all health.
Foods that are rich in protein, like cereals, wheat, and oats, are known to improve tissue build-up and increase muscle mass, while those that are rich in carbohydrates, like rice and white loaf, can sustain the energy needed by the body.
To relieve their problem, many of these frustrated men used products that promise improved penile length, but do these penis enlargement methods really work? Let's find out.
PILLS Many men regard pills as the ultimate answer to their penile problems, however, these synthetic drugs can cause more side effects than benefits.
Most pills that are out in the market today contain compounds that can give a number of side effects, like light headedness, tremors, night sweating, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and difficulty with coordination.
If you are planning to take penis enlargement pills to improve your size, better consult your physician first to know whether your existing health condition is favorable to receive these drugs.
If you have urinary or digestive problems, your doctor will most likely advise you not to take pills, or you will be recommended to take a lower dose.
EXERCISES Penile exercises, like jelqing, have been practiced for many centuries to improve penile size.
These could be considered as the most effective natural methods to increase the length and girth of the penis.
Moreover, a lot of men have claimed that these exercises have alleviated their erectile dysfunction.
But penile exercises can also cause harm, especially if these are not done properly.
There were some incidences that blood vessels in the penis became clogged up and prolonged and painful erection occurred.
These exercises could also damage the nerves and the soft tissues around the penis.
If you will be performing penis enlargement exercise, be sure that you will do it properly.
Do not grip your penis tightly and do not overdo the routine.
Stop the activity if you feel any resistance or pain.
GELS There are different kinds of gels used to enhance the size of the penis.
There are those that are being applied topically and there are those that are being injected under the skin layers of the penile shaft.
A lot of men, who have been using these gels, claimed that they have improved their penile size, and attained a firmer shaft.
They also achieved a better erection because of an enhanced blood flow.
But gels, like pills, are usually made of synthetic compounds that usually trigger a lot of adverse effects.
Some of gels can even cause allergies and skin disorders.
It is best to consult an expert advice from your doctor before you decide to use penile gels to improve your size.
It also pays to read testimonials from other users to know more about these products.
HERBS For many centuries now, herbs like Ginseng, Licorice, and Nettle Leaves, has been popular remedies of undersized penis.
These were widely used in Asia, Africa, and some parts of Europe and the Americas.
Herbal cures are better compared to drugs that were synthetically prepared, because natural compounds that are found on herbs are usually easily absorbed and eliminated by the body.
Nonetheless, compounds that are found on herbs can also cause adverse effects, but milder compared to what are caused by penis enlargement pills.
Common side effects from herbal remedies are dizziness, drowsiness, malaise and abdominal cramping.
DIET There is no direct study that could link diet with the improvement of penile size; but many think that combining healthy food intake with exercise can result to a better penis enlargement.
Therefore, it pays to consume a good variety of foods for over-all health.
Foods that are rich in protein, like cereals, wheat, and oats, are known to improve tissue build-up and increase muscle mass, while those that are rich in carbohydrates, like rice and white loaf, can sustain the energy needed by the body.