Remedies for Stomach Cramps in Children
- The first step to remedying stomach cramps in children is identifying the cause. A variety of problems causes a child's stomach to cramp. Eating too much is a common reason, or it can be the result of constipation, indigestion or gas. Stomach cramps can also be a symptom of an infection or food poisoning, which often occurs with vomiting and/or diarrhea. Stress can also cause a child's stomach to cramp.
- Keeping the cause in mind, the following remedies help soothe a cramping stomach. Place a warm cloth on your child's stomach. Allow your child to sip clear fluids while avoiding solid food for a few hours (wait six hours, if vomiting). Then, introduce easily digestible foods like bread and rice into their diet. Avoid giving your child any medications, as they could irritate the stomach. You can give your child acetaminophen, however, if she develops a fever over 102 degrees Fahrenheit. If constipation is the culprit, encourage your child to sit on the toilet. This can help a bowel movement, relieving the stomach cramps.
Add ginger to your child's diet as another stomach cramp remedy. It can relieve both nausea and stomach cramping. Encourage your child to chew on fresh ginger. You can also give him or her ginger tea or ginger ale (made with real ginger) to see the benefits of this stomach cramp remedy.
If stress is the cause of your child's cramps, you'll notice symptoms arise around stressful events such as school, a death in the family or a sudden change in your child's life. To be sure, have a physician rule out any disease before assuming that stress is the cause of your child's stomach cramps. To help with these stomach cramps, teach him relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing. When they're feeling worry or stress, encourage your child to inhale, feeling their stomach rise and then exhale, feeling their stomach descend. - Sometimes, stomach cramps can be a sign of a more serious condition. If your child acts very sick or if the pain last longer than two hours (longer than one hour, if severe), contact your physician. Also, contact your doctor if your child has a fever over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit and if diarrhea lasts longer than two days. Feel your child's stomach. If it is hard and sensitive to touch, get medical help immediately.
Identifying the Cause of Stomach Cramps
Stomach Cramp Remedies
Look for These Signs