Using the Law of Attraction by Setting Realistic and Meaningful Goals
The Law of Attraction can be so, so powerful if used well.
It can change the way you think about life and its possibilities.
Imagine living from a place of hope and abundance.
How much would that transform your current reality? In order to utilize the Law of Attraction, it is important to pay attention to setting realistic and meaningful goals.
First, you want the goals to be realistic.
Now, determining what is realistic can get a little sticky.
You don't want to limit yourself or dream small.
However, you may want to re-consider trying to attract a private jet and Brad Pitt.
It's fine to dream about these things, but I think there are equally huge dreams that are more realistic.
What if you wished to attract your true love, whom you have never met? For all you know, this person will turn you on even more than Brad.
Why limit yourself to a married celebrity.
Just remember that it's possible to dream big and dream realistic at the same time.
Second, you want your goals to be meaningful.
But, what does that even mean? You goals should speak to you.
They should be constructed around your passions and interests.
You don't have to try to attract a career as a doctor just because that's what dad always wanted you to do.
What do you want to do? What would make you excited to get out of bed everyday? The answer to that question will be something meaningful to you, and you specifically.
There is an entire model of psychotherapeutic thought built around identifying meaning in your life.
It is called Logotherapy and it was developed be Victor Frankl.
This model focuses on the importance of finding meaning in your life, something to live for, something to keep you going when times get hard.
Once you find your meaning, your purpose in life, you can try to draw it to you by using the Law of Attraction.
Think big.
You've got one life, and there's no reason not to dream huge.
Now go out and find what's meaningful to you!
It can change the way you think about life and its possibilities.
Imagine living from a place of hope and abundance.
How much would that transform your current reality? In order to utilize the Law of Attraction, it is important to pay attention to setting realistic and meaningful goals.
First, you want the goals to be realistic.
Now, determining what is realistic can get a little sticky.
You don't want to limit yourself or dream small.
However, you may want to re-consider trying to attract a private jet and Brad Pitt.
It's fine to dream about these things, but I think there are equally huge dreams that are more realistic.
What if you wished to attract your true love, whom you have never met? For all you know, this person will turn you on even more than Brad.
Why limit yourself to a married celebrity.
Just remember that it's possible to dream big and dream realistic at the same time.
Second, you want your goals to be meaningful.
But, what does that even mean? You goals should speak to you.
They should be constructed around your passions and interests.
You don't have to try to attract a career as a doctor just because that's what dad always wanted you to do.
What do you want to do? What would make you excited to get out of bed everyday? The answer to that question will be something meaningful to you, and you specifically.
There is an entire model of psychotherapeutic thought built around identifying meaning in your life.
It is called Logotherapy and it was developed be Victor Frankl.
This model focuses on the importance of finding meaning in your life, something to live for, something to keep you going when times get hard.
Once you find your meaning, your purpose in life, you can try to draw it to you by using the Law of Attraction.
Think big.
You've got one life, and there's no reason not to dream huge.
Now go out and find what's meaningful to you!