Vitamin Supplements For Cataract Prevention
Cataracts develop when there is damage to the protein of eye lenses.
People with low blood level antioxidants and those who eat less antioxidant-rich foods and vegetables are at higher risk of getting cataracts.
However, there are vitamin supplements for cataract prevention and some of them are discussed below.
Although cataracts are not completely preventable, their occurrence can be delayed by supplementing the body with antioxidants and vitamins, which play important role in cataract prevention.
Antioxidants neutralize the action of free radicals, thereby preventing damage to cells.
Antioxidants substances are found naturally in food and include vitamin C.
Beta carotenoid is most widely used carotenoid.
It is a powerful antioxidant has been found beneficial in cataract prevention.
It is found in carrots ,pumpkin, papaya,tomatoes and other deep green fruits and vegetables.
Lycopene is another caratenoid that play an important role in cataract prevention.
Vitamin C plays an important role in cataract prevention.
Supplement of vitamin C significantly decrease the risk of both cataracts and macular degeneration.
Vitamin c supplements in amount over 300 mg could eventually eliminate the need for cataract surgery.
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) and niacin which occur in animal and plant tissues have also been effective in cataract development.
Vitamin E supplements are also beneficial for prevention of cataracts in peoples.
Daily dose of 400 IU is found beneficial for cataract prevention.
Apart from this developing some healthy habits like quitting smoking, avoiding overexposure to sunlight, drinking alcohol in moderation and eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables may delay the occurrence of cataract.
People with low blood level antioxidants and those who eat less antioxidant-rich foods and vegetables are at higher risk of getting cataracts.
However, there are vitamin supplements for cataract prevention and some of them are discussed below.
Although cataracts are not completely preventable, their occurrence can be delayed by supplementing the body with antioxidants and vitamins, which play important role in cataract prevention.
Antioxidants neutralize the action of free radicals, thereby preventing damage to cells.
Antioxidants substances are found naturally in food and include vitamin C.
Beta carotenoid is most widely used carotenoid.
It is a powerful antioxidant has been found beneficial in cataract prevention.
It is found in carrots ,pumpkin, papaya,tomatoes and other deep green fruits and vegetables.
Lycopene is another caratenoid that play an important role in cataract prevention.
Vitamin C plays an important role in cataract prevention.
Supplement of vitamin C significantly decrease the risk of both cataracts and macular degeneration.
Vitamin c supplements in amount over 300 mg could eventually eliminate the need for cataract surgery.
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) and niacin which occur in animal and plant tissues have also been effective in cataract development.
Vitamin E supplements are also beneficial for prevention of cataracts in peoples.
Daily dose of 400 IU is found beneficial for cataract prevention.
Apart from this developing some healthy habits like quitting smoking, avoiding overexposure to sunlight, drinking alcohol in moderation and eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables may delay the occurrence of cataract.