Are Your Habits Harming Your Business?
Find Out Which Behaviors To Eliminate To Ensure Success Of Your Business!
Everyone has some bad habits. Perhaps you are also really fond of them as well. But as an entrepreneur and a businessman it is your job to ensure that none of your behaviors pose any danger to the health of your business. Here is our list of the top culprits that take hold of our lives, causing damage to our selves, relations and business alike. See if any of these sound familiar:
Everyone has some bad habits. Perhaps you are also really fond of them as well. But as an entrepreneur and a businessman it is your job to ensure that none of your behaviors pose any danger to the health of your business. Here is our list of the top culprits that take hold of our lives, causing damage to our selves, relations and business alike. See if any of these sound familiar:
- Mistrusting your staff. Making every decision pass through your desk can slow your business down. Not only is it also cumbersome for you, but your employees may also find it degrading thinking you don't trust them to make the right decisions. Bottle-neck decision making can be just as frustrating for employees as it is for customers. Break this habit by hiring the right people, making sure that they know the goals and targets you have set for your business and give them the authority to decide.
- Being Reactive. Take control of your business and b proactive instead. Make it habit to plan for your future. Prepare for the worst!
- Not delegating. If you try to be everything to your business, you run the risk of running it aground prematurely. Look for people whose expertise can be relied upon when hiring. Then trust them with at least some of the jobs that you usually reserve for yourself.
- Wasting time. Two words. Email and Facebook.
- Being Afraid. Do not be afraid of failure, loss and hurting other people's feelings. You can't win them all but you can try your best. So instead of fretting about the €what ifs€ go ahead and take a risk. Keep your entrepreneurial spirit alive.
- Number crunching before swift decision making. Good opportunities are hard to come by, and sometimes you have to be real quick to take advantage of them. And when you encounter such a situation, trust your gut instinct. It's what got you this far. You are the boss so take the decisions that can help your business.
- Promoting belligerence. You might enjoy the fruits of having an aggressive staff the first few years of business. But what happens when your company has achieved a large size and is on its way to success? Try to promote an environment that will benefit your company in the long-run. Encourage honesty, integrity, frankness and kindness, towards everyone!