Burst Anxiety Troubles The Easy Way
I read somewhere, €Life is what you make it€ that doesn't makes sense at first but as you try to analyse it bit by bit you will understand what it means. There is total control of your life in your own hands, just be brave enough to take charge of it.
Well I am no life teaching guru or something but I am sharing what I have learned from life myself. In the passage of time I have found out that most people simply shy away from taking charge of their life because they get anxious and it leads to their withdrawal. I know there is a level of anxiety in everyone but when it becomes over the edge it can severely endanger your growth. Point is anxiety is the evil that needs to be nailed. Coping with anxiety is not that difficult as many of us think. Here I am going to share simple, practical and highly efficient ways to cope up with anxiety.
Dealing with Anxiety
Take a break
I know you are busy or better I say you are the busiest person on this planet (as we all think!) but you need to understand that taking overload helps only in one way. That is it makes you more anxious, the solution is to take some time out for your own self. What is stressing you out should be clear and one way to find out is to step backwards. Just make some new friends, jog more distance, practice yoga or meditate it all is going to make space in your mind to deal with stress.
Follow Healthy Lifestyle
When I say healthy lifestyle I seriously mean "healthy". Most of the time I see people who are anxious or stressed get into unhealthy lifestyles. They eat more junk food, indulge into mood boosting drinks like tea and coffee and become lenient about their life. Do not make this mistake. If you are not eating healthy then you are stressing your internal health physically. Now how on earth can you be peaceful with stress inside.
Sleep and exercise definitely help as they will help you relax. Take at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep regularly. Cardiac exercises will help you boost your blood circulation which will in turn help you to manage your anxiety.
Quick Fixes
There are times when we suddenly become anxious without any reason. Say it's an interview, a meeting or exam; getting anxious at such moments need quick fixes and here are some.
€ Breath slowly-inhale and exhale at 10 seconds gap
€ Reverse Counting- Count from 10 to 1 in reverse order
€ Don't be a perfectionist- This one is tricky but when you try to entail for perfection you get stressed and anxious- just do your best and not more(perfection is impossible as you know!)
My friend anxiety can be managed without much effort. Believe and accept that you cannot control everything in life and you need not to cry over it. Welcome and include some humour in your life, talk to people or special ones it will help for sure.
Well I am no life teaching guru or something but I am sharing what I have learned from life myself. In the passage of time I have found out that most people simply shy away from taking charge of their life because they get anxious and it leads to their withdrawal. I know there is a level of anxiety in everyone but when it becomes over the edge it can severely endanger your growth. Point is anxiety is the evil that needs to be nailed. Coping with anxiety is not that difficult as many of us think. Here I am going to share simple, practical and highly efficient ways to cope up with anxiety.
Dealing with Anxiety
Take a break
I know you are busy or better I say you are the busiest person on this planet (as we all think!) but you need to understand that taking overload helps only in one way. That is it makes you more anxious, the solution is to take some time out for your own self. What is stressing you out should be clear and one way to find out is to step backwards. Just make some new friends, jog more distance, practice yoga or meditate it all is going to make space in your mind to deal with stress.
Follow Healthy Lifestyle
When I say healthy lifestyle I seriously mean "healthy". Most of the time I see people who are anxious or stressed get into unhealthy lifestyles. They eat more junk food, indulge into mood boosting drinks like tea and coffee and become lenient about their life. Do not make this mistake. If you are not eating healthy then you are stressing your internal health physically. Now how on earth can you be peaceful with stress inside.
Sleep and exercise definitely help as they will help you relax. Take at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep regularly. Cardiac exercises will help you boost your blood circulation which will in turn help you to manage your anxiety.
Quick Fixes
There are times when we suddenly become anxious without any reason. Say it's an interview, a meeting or exam; getting anxious at such moments need quick fixes and here are some.
€ Breath slowly-inhale and exhale at 10 seconds gap
€ Reverse Counting- Count from 10 to 1 in reverse order
€ Don't be a perfectionist- This one is tricky but when you try to entail for perfection you get stressed and anxious- just do your best and not more(perfection is impossible as you know!)
My friend anxiety can be managed without much effort. Believe and accept that you cannot control everything in life and you need not to cry over it. Welcome and include some humour in your life, talk to people or special ones it will help for sure.