Easiest Fish to Keep in a Wall-Mounted Aquarium
If you have chosen to add a wall-mounted aquarium to your home, you have made a very wise decision.
Maybe you are buying one because you have heard that swimming fish have the same calming effect as water fountains, but they are more exciting to look at.
Perhaps you have a child with a hyperactivity disorder that you are trying to help gain focus.
Maybe you have an elderly parent with Alzheimer's and you are trying to help them retain their memory.
Of course, there is a very good chance that you just found them beautiful and had to have one; this is all the reason you need! Choosing fish for your wall mounted aquarium needs to be done thoughtfully since these gorgeous pieces of art are typically not very deep.
Therefore, you have to pick fish that will have no problem turning around and thriving in a smaller environment.
Maybe you are buying one because you have heard that swimming fish have the same calming effect as water fountains, but they are more exciting to look at.
Perhaps you have a child with a hyperactivity disorder that you are trying to help gain focus.
Maybe you have an elderly parent with Alzheimer's and you are trying to help them retain their memory.
Of course, there is a very good chance that you just found them beautiful and had to have one; this is all the reason you need! Choosing fish for your wall mounted aquarium needs to be done thoughtfully since these gorgeous pieces of art are typically not very deep.
Therefore, you have to pick fish that will have no problem turning around and thriving in a smaller environment.
- Barbs - There are a few different species of barbs that will do well.
Tiger barbs are fairly small and as their name implies, they have a striking black and orange coloring like a tiger.
Rosy barbs are very low maintenance, but they can be a little on the aggressive side, so you have to be careful about other species that you add to the tank.
For a brilliant splash of color, Cherry barbs are ideal! Make sure you buy a few; they like to swim together in schools. - Swordtails - This is a very popular species to add to a Wall-Mounted Aquarium.
Not only do they offer a vibrant color with an intriguing tail fin that looks like a sword, but they are extremely hearty as well.
The species can be aggressive toward one another. - Neon Tetra - Every one of these aquariums should have a few Neon tetras.
Similar to listening to cascading water coming from the water fountains in your home, Neon tetra can also transport you to an extra place just by watching them.
They are native to the Amazon River, and create a beautiful display as they are made up of blue, red and silver. - Platy - This species is actually related to the Swordtail, only without the long tail fin.
They range in shades of yellow, orange and red, and some are even speckled. - Zebra Dania - Not only are these fish extremely attractive, they are very friendly.
If your goal is to create a harmonic environment in your wall-mounted aquarium, then a few Zebrafish would be a great addition.
They have five black stripes that extend from one end to the other. - White Cloud Mountain - This species is as small as neon and are easily identified by their silver body and red face.
Although you would probably never guess, they are a species of minnow. - Guppy - This is by far the easiest fish to care for.
Guppies seem to thrive in any condition and they are always active so they are exciting to watch.
Be warned though, they will breed like crazy and can overrun your aquarium. - Kuhli Loach - This is an intriguing fish that will draw a lot of attention.
It is a bottom-dweller and looks very much like an eel.
They are peaceful and typically only get about 3 inches long.
You do have to avoid putting them with any aggressive species though as they are known for becoming victims of bullying due to their docile nature. - Algae Eater - If you are concerned with keeping your wall-mounted aquarium free of algae, just add a Pleco.
These weird-looking creatures cling to the surface of the glass with their suction cup and eat the algae and food waste.
Do make sure to tell the salesperson what type of aquarium you have as some Pleco species can grow to be quite large and some are known to be territorial.