Treatment of a Compound Fractures; Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Chronic Regional Pain Syndromept.3
This is my continuing story about my experience of the treatment of a compound fractures.
I just sat there crying because there was no way I could possibly afford that.
I thought then toohow very lucky I was for it not being worse.
I also thought about the plight of a lot of Americans without health insurance.
I felt helpless.
"It is possible that the doctor might agree to set it in his office.
" the attendants finally said.
Now there were quite a few because they were genuinely concerned for me.
I could go to see the doctor in three days and he would decide then if it was possible, keep it elevated and the swelling down they said.
The day of the doctors visit my sister took me and we both waited to hear the doctors verdict.
"Yes, I will attempt to do this for you.
" the doctor said to my relief.
YAY! YAY? OK!The doctor gave me a shot into my broken arm, ewww!He put my fingers into a contraption that looked like a bunch of Chinese finger puzzles hanging from chains connected to a pole.
I was told to try to relax my arm and let it hang, ewww!Twenty minutes or so went by and the doctor announced that we were ready to go.
My sister held my hand.
I announced that I would tell a story I remembered about a dragon on the beach that I had met in California.
A fairy tale to some but I am convinced to this day it is a true story.
My sister cried and I cried as I told the story of the dragon and the doctor pulled, pulled on my arm.
Do I have to add ewww here?EWWW! The bone was set, an ex-ray showed it took.
YAY!Treatment of a compound fractures done.
A cast was put on my arm, purple was my choice.
The total bill came to almost twenty five hundred dollars.
I will continue this story under another heading.
I received severe nerve damage, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome and have had to climb that uphill trail.
I am an artist, yes, right handed.
It has been difficult this recovery but I am able to paint again.
My hand will never be the same but I am grateful that I can paint.
I just sat there crying because there was no way I could possibly afford that.
I thought then toohow very lucky I was for it not being worse.
I also thought about the plight of a lot of Americans without health insurance.
I felt helpless.
"It is possible that the doctor might agree to set it in his office.
" the attendants finally said.
Now there were quite a few because they were genuinely concerned for me.
I could go to see the doctor in three days and he would decide then if it was possible, keep it elevated and the swelling down they said.
The day of the doctors visit my sister took me and we both waited to hear the doctors verdict.
"Yes, I will attempt to do this for you.
" the doctor said to my relief.
YAY! YAY? OK!The doctor gave me a shot into my broken arm, ewww!He put my fingers into a contraption that looked like a bunch of Chinese finger puzzles hanging from chains connected to a pole.
I was told to try to relax my arm and let it hang, ewww!Twenty minutes or so went by and the doctor announced that we were ready to go.
My sister held my hand.
I announced that I would tell a story I remembered about a dragon on the beach that I had met in California.
A fairy tale to some but I am convinced to this day it is a true story.
My sister cried and I cried as I told the story of the dragon and the doctor pulled, pulled on my arm.
Do I have to add ewww here?EWWW! The bone was set, an ex-ray showed it took.
YAY!Treatment of a compound fractures done.
A cast was put on my arm, purple was my choice.
The total bill came to almost twenty five hundred dollars.
I will continue this story under another heading.
I received severe nerve damage, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome and have had to climb that uphill trail.
I am an artist, yes, right handed.
It has been difficult this recovery but I am able to paint again.
My hand will never be the same but I am grateful that I can paint.