Effective Home Remedies For Diabetes To Control Blood Glucose Level
There is no absolute cure for diabetes and one can only control blood glucose level through proper diet, exercise and medication if required. Diabetic patients must realize that they have a complicated disorder that will continue for lifetime. During pregnancy, this disease can be serious and diabetic babies always weigh more than normal.
Older people gradually tend to gain weight and develop a mild form of diabetes because of a strain on their pancreas. Controlling body weight can help control diabetes. There are some simple home remedies that help to control the blood glucose level. The only condition being that it must be followed regularly and for long term.
Diabetes Home Remedies
Consume one tablespoon of bitter gourd (karela) juice every morning. It may not immediately give results, but will definitely decrease the intensity of the condition.
Soak one teaspoon of fenugreek (methi) seeds in water at night, drink that water in the morning and chew and eat the soaked seeds. This helps reduce the blood sugar level.
Wash a green banana and peel it and put the peel in a jar. Now fill with water and drink this water thrice a day. This water will help in lowing sugar level. Change the peel every alternate day and refill the jar with water as you drink.
Take fifteen fresh mango leaves and boil them in one glass of water. Keep them overnight. Filter and drink the mixture the next morning. This is a very common home remedy for diabetes.
Another effective home remedy for diabetes is the grapefruit. Grapefruit is considered quite beneficial in lowering blood glucose level. Eat 3-4 grapefruits thrice in a day for good result.
Take the powder of the fenugreek (methi) seeds two to three times a day to control the sugar in blood and urine.
One can also control diabetes by drinking water kept overnight with the tender leaves of guava tree and sadabahar plant soaked in it.
Boil a teaspoon of black cumin seeds (kalonji) in a glass of water till it reduces to half. If taken consistently for long term, it helps to control the blood sugar.
Prepare a mixture by adding equal quantities of dried gooseberry powder and turmeric powder with honey; or drink a mixture containing equal quantities of fresh turmeric juice and gooseberry juice in an empty stomach regularly.
Prepare herbal tea with powdered fried fenugreek and wheat, taken in equal quantities. This also helps in normalizing blood sugar levels.
Boil few leaves each of tulsi (basil), neem, jamun, bel, along with 4-5 corns of pepper in a glass of water and drink two times a day.
Morning and evening walk for at least 45 minutes is very essential to control the blood glucose level.
Older people gradually tend to gain weight and develop a mild form of diabetes because of a strain on their pancreas. Controlling body weight can help control diabetes. There are some simple home remedies that help to control the blood glucose level. The only condition being that it must be followed regularly and for long term.
Diabetes Home Remedies
Consume one tablespoon of bitter gourd (karela) juice every morning. It may not immediately give results, but will definitely decrease the intensity of the condition.
Soak one teaspoon of fenugreek (methi) seeds in water at night, drink that water in the morning and chew and eat the soaked seeds. This helps reduce the blood sugar level.
Wash a green banana and peel it and put the peel in a jar. Now fill with water and drink this water thrice a day. This water will help in lowing sugar level. Change the peel every alternate day and refill the jar with water as you drink.
Take fifteen fresh mango leaves and boil them in one glass of water. Keep them overnight. Filter and drink the mixture the next morning. This is a very common home remedy for diabetes.
Another effective home remedy for diabetes is the grapefruit. Grapefruit is considered quite beneficial in lowering blood glucose level. Eat 3-4 grapefruits thrice in a day for good result.
Take the powder of the fenugreek (methi) seeds two to three times a day to control the sugar in blood and urine.
One can also control diabetes by drinking water kept overnight with the tender leaves of guava tree and sadabahar plant soaked in it.
Boil a teaspoon of black cumin seeds (kalonji) in a glass of water till it reduces to half. If taken consistently for long term, it helps to control the blood sugar.
Prepare a mixture by adding equal quantities of dried gooseberry powder and turmeric powder with honey; or drink a mixture containing equal quantities of fresh turmeric juice and gooseberry juice in an empty stomach regularly.
Prepare herbal tea with powdered fried fenugreek and wheat, taken in equal quantities. This also helps in normalizing blood sugar levels.
Boil few leaves each of tulsi (basil), neem, jamun, bel, along with 4-5 corns of pepper in a glass of water and drink two times a day.
Morning and evening walk for at least 45 minutes is very essential to control the blood glucose level.